Mistake? Pt. 2

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"Shawn?" He didn't respond, I felt the tears brim my eyes.

"I'm sorry Shawn, I'm sorry." I ran, I ran as fast as could. I could hear him calling my name from behind me, but I didn't stop

I didn't know where I was going, all I knew is I needed to get away.

I finally reached my house.

"You're home already?" My Mom asked. I looked at the clock to see that it was only 3. I sighed.

"Yeah, Shawn had something come up." She nodded, I could tell she didn't believe me though.

"Well, foods in the kitchen if you're hungry." I smiled. "Thank you, but I'm not hungry." I ran up to my room and released the tears I had been holding back.

Figures, the one time I decide to live in the moment. I take his own advice and it winds up stabbing me in the back.

I knew I shouldn't have done it, but it just felt so right. I thought he felt it too. Hah, boy was I wrong.

Why did I ever think a guy like Shawn would like me? I mean nobody's perfect, but Shawn's pretty freaking close.

I put in my earbuds and began listening to Life of the Party. I smiled as I remembered Shawn writing and releasing this song.

He was so nervous, but I knew he had no reason to be, he has been so talented from the start, and he's only grown.

Make your best mistakes.

I sarcastically laughed, "I took your advice Mendes, and look what good it did me." I said as a tear ran down my face.

"I mean I don't know, my advice usually does good." I heard a voice from my doorway. I quickly wiped my tears and sat up, pulling the earbuds from my ears.

"What are you doing here?" He sat down next to me, but I scooted away. I didn't want to be necessarily close to him right now.

"I'm here to talk to you." I shot him a confused look. "About what?" He rolled his eyes. "About what happened at the beach."

"What about it Shawn? I made a mistake. I've liked you for years, but never had the nerve to do anything about it. I kissed you, hoping you would feel the same way. But you don't, oh well!" I began raising my voice.

"I'm a big girl, I can handle it Shawn. You don't have to come and tell me that it's alright! You don't have to comfort me like a best friend would do! Oh wait, in your mind you do, because that's all we are to you...We're just friends."

The last part came out, but barely above a whisper.

The room was filled with deafening silence. So much for wanting to talk.

"Shawn, if you're not going to say anything, then please leave. I've been hurt by you enough today." I spoke, but he continued to sit there.

"Shawn please." He stood to his feet, causing a wave of sadness to blow over me. Its kind of feeling like a hurricane today.

"Y/n, it's not that I don't like you. Trust me I do. I-I just don't want to ruin anything. You mean so much to me. What if I hurt you? I don't want to lose you." I grabbed his large hands in mine, looking into his eyes.

"Don't you think we deserve to be happy? And if being friends is not truly doing that for us, don't you think we should take the next step?" He shook his head.

"But Y/n, I'm scared." An exhausted laughs slipped from my lips.

"And you don't think I am? Shawn I'm terrified of letting the most important thing slip through my fingers, but if I don't try to take the next step I feel like that's what I'd be doing." His eyes bored into mine.

"Shawn?" A smirk appeared on his face as he inched closer to me. He held out his hand to help me up, but right when I stood up I was taken off guard.

I felt his lips on mine, and this time I was the frozen one. He smiled into the kiss, breaking it. We were both smiling now.

"Y/f/n, will you be my girlfriend?" An uncontrollable smile crept onto my lips as the words I've always wanted to hear, filled my ears.

"You ask as if you don't already know the answer. Of course I will Mendes."


A/N: I hope you guys like it since you requested a second part so much 😂, anyway thanks for reading!

If you guys know any good Shawn fanfics, tell me. I feel like I've read them all 😂

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