What We Used To Be

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Shawn's POV
I heard a slam against the lockers and seen kids circling up. I ran to see what the all the commotion was and I saw Y/n on top of Cassandra.

Cassandra didn't have a chance against Y/n.

I remember when Y/n and I used to be really close.

We would hang out everyday after school. On Fridays we would walk from school to the ice cream shop. Then we would snuggle up on the couch and have a movie day with snacks and junk food.

We would wind up falling asleep and not wake up until one of our moms would say it's time to get up because it was already the afternoon of the next day.

But she became distant and I didn't know why. I tried to talk to her but she would always say she was busy.

The thing is she wasn't only distant she began to change. She used to be a good student with all A's who would never do anything wrong.

Now, she back talks all the teachers and always has detention, but fighting isn't a common thing.

I snapped out of my thoughts and squeezed through everyone, pulling Y/n off before Cassandra was severely hurt.

The principal came and grabbed the both of them and took them to the office. I watched as Y/n got further and further down the hallway.

Y/n pov

I couldn't help it. Everyone thought we got in a fight over some guy. The truth is that she was talking bad about Shawn. I could usually hold my ground with my words but something snapped.

People could talk about me all they wanted but it was different with Shawn. He didn't deserve it, he would never do anything wrong.

They brought me into the office gave me the "I don't know what has happened to you, you used to be an amazing student, things need change or or next time it'll be way worse" speech.

I've gotten this speech so many times. It's kind of just a common thing now.

I got up and walked out, like always Shawn was there waiting for me. I care for him but I can't let him in. I would break if I did.

"So did you get suspended?" "No I got I.S.S., but I'm busy, I can't talk right now." I said hoping that he would listen and leave me alone.

"Okay Y/n I've tried but I'm done, I've tried being there for you to help you through whatever this is but I guess you don't want or need my help so whatever."

I mentally cursed myself as I walked to my locker holding back the tears that were threatening to spill out. I got my stuff and ran out of the door to my car and headed home.

No one was home so I unlocked the door and ran to my room. I went to my bed and sobbed for what felt like hours.

Then I heard a knock on the door. I looked at the clock it was only five so my parents shouldn't be home for a couple hours.

I walked down the stairs to open the door and there was Shawn. His eyes bloodshot, his cheeks blotchy, and his hair a mess.

"I'm sorry for what I said, no matter what you do I could never leave you to go whatever you're going through alone. I'm here no matter how long it takes but I can't help you if you don't tell me what wrong." He said holding my hands, tears spilling from his eyes.

"I know Shawn I just couldn't tell you. I didn't tell anyone. I wanted to be strong, I couldn't let anyone see I was weak. Not again."

"What do you mean again?" He said worry evident on his face.

"I never told you but, Madison and her friends would make fun of me everyday after school. No matter what they would say I would stay strong but one day they...they followed me on my way home they began by just calling me names but it didn't end there." I took a shaky breath in.

"Madison began hitting me until I couldn't stand, she knocked me to the ground and told her friends to finish it. They left me there in the alley, broken and defeated. From that day on I told myself I would never let anyone see my weakness again." By this time tears were soaking my cheeks and my shirt.

"Y/n, you should have told me. I would have helped you. I would've taken care of it. I would've been there for you."

"I know Shawn I just didn't want you to think of me as some small weak girl who couldn't take care of herself. I was mortified."

He sighed, "Well, it's all in the past now, I'm here for you now and I always will be. I love you. No matter what you need come to me anytime."

His words filled the hole that was inside. I've always loved Shawn but I didn't think he felt the same way.

"I love you too Shawn." His eyes flickered from my eyes and to my lips. He began to lean in, his lips finally pressed to mine softly yet passionately.

I've waited for this moment forever. It was like nothing I've ever felt before.

Hr smiled into the kiss, breaking away.

"How about one of those movie nights?" He said getting the blankets ready. "Of course. I'll get go get all the Harry Potter movies, and the food."

We stayed up all night watching movies, eating junk food and wrapped up in each other's embrace just enjoying each other's company. I couldn't have asked for anything better.


A/N: hope you like it. Comment and vote please. Love you 💕

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