Life Saver

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Edited 🌼

It was the Fourth of July and I was spending it with me best friend y/bf/n, at her lake house. I was so excited, I only get to see her every now and then because she moved away.

She said she would come pick me up at about 3 and it was 12 so I decided to start getting ready. I got my bathing suit and headed to my closet.

After about 10 to 15 mins I picked out a cropped American flag shirt and some high waisted white washed jeans.

I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face and changed putting my bathing suit on under my clothes.

I walked back to my room and went to my vanity. I curled my hair loosely and pulled the top up into a ponytail leaving the rest down.

I decided to go with a natural makeup look only putting on a little concealer, some mascara, and a little bronzer and highlight.

By the time I finished getting ready and ate it was 2:45 I gathered all my stuff for the weekend and waited impatiently downstairs.

Finally I got a text saying she was there. I ran out the door not wanting to wait one more second to see my best friend.

As soon as she saw me she jumped out of her car and practically tackled me, "I can't believe you're here I've missed you so much!" I practically screamed for all the neighbors to here.

"I'm so happy I'm here, I've missed you so much too."

I set all my stuff in the back seat and hopped up in the front. "You want to jam to High School Musical on the way." "Yes! Of course! My childhood!"


"You are the music in me." We sang in unison as we pulled up the lake house.

"Okay so we are gonna go on the boat, eat then go back to water. So just go set your stuff in the room and we will head to the water." "Sounds good." I said walking to the room.

I set my stuff down and walked back to the living room. "Okay lets go, my parents already have the boat in the water."

We reached the water and set out stuff down on the beach area. "Hey kiddo, how's it going?" "It's going great." "You ready for college in the fall?"

I laughed, "Yeah ready but really nervous." "Ah, it'll be a breeze for you, and you and         y/bf/n will be going through it together." "I know, thank you." "No problem kiddo, you two ready?" "Yes let's go!"


"I'm stuffed." I said holding my stomach "Same. You wanna go on the Polaris?" She asked. "Yeah sure."

"Hey guys we will be out on the Polaris." She yelled walking to the door. "Okay see ya, and by the way me and your mom are gonna stay in here for the rest of the night so we won't be going on the boat, but you two can still go to the water." Y/bf/s Dad said. "Okay that's fine we will see you later tonight."

We were riding around the neighborhood on the usual route, and something caught my eye. There was a group of boys but one really stood out, he looked so familiar.

"Hey who's that?" I said pointing to the house with the boys. "Oh that's Shawn and his buds. They just moved in yesterday I think is what my parents said. You remember Shawn right? He was in our algebra 2 class sophomore year before I moved."

"Oh my gosh yes, I knew I had seen him somewhere before. I haven't had a class with him since then, and dang has he changed that's probably why I didn't remember him."

Shawn Mendes Imagines Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon