Guitar Lessons

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Edited 🌼

Y/N pov

Today is Tuesday, the day I get my guitar lessons, but today is going to be different.

My old teacher moved away because he got a better job offer in Dallas. I'm not mad that he left, just really nervous considering I get a new teacher.

I turned off the car, grabbed my guitar and headed inside. I was a little early so I decided to looked around.

I heard a brunette, about my age, playing the guitar. He was amazing. I just watched in awe. The way he seemed to have such a passion for it.

There is no way this kid was here for lessons. I guess he was just looking around, but honestly he should be the one giving lessons.

It was finally 4:00 so I jumped up from the piano and went to the front desk to check in. Then I noticed the tall brunette walk out from the back and walk behind the counter. I guess he worked here.

"This is the new teacher for guitar lessons, I know he is young, but trust me he is good. He will have you playing great in no time." The lady behind the desk told me.

"Hey I'm Shawn I'll be teaching you today...and hopefully for a little while." He said with smirk. I blushed and followed him to the back to start the lesson.

I sat down in my usual seat while he got everything ready. I couldn't help but to admire him.

"Are you ready?" He said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh um...yeah of course." Gosh why do I have to be so awkward.

I reached up for my pick on the music stand as he reached for his. I shivered at his touch. I tried my best to ignore it, but I could still feel the tingling sensation where our hands met.

He caught my attention by clearing his throat, "Hey, so your name is Y/n right?" "Yes." He set his guitar down.

"How about we get to know a little bit about each other so this isn't as awkward." "Yeah sure that's a great idea."

"Well my name is Y/n, I have lived here all my life. I've never moved houses...Unfortunately. I am 17 years old, I play the piano, and I love music." I said replaying it back in my head hoping I didn't say anything too dumb.

"That's really cool. My name is Shawn, but you already knew that. Um, I am also 17. I have lived here my whole life also. I absolutely adore music, it's my passion. I play the guitar obviously, and I'm really interested in learning the piano, but I can't find anyone to teach me. The little I know I taught myself."

I took this as an opportunity "Hey um, I understand if you don't want to, but uh...I could teach you piano. If you want." His eyes lit up with excitement.

"Yes of course. I've been wanting to learn, and this will give me an opportunity to get to know you better." He said, a smirk adoring his lips.

"Well I'll be happy to teach you anytime you'd like." "Hey um, could I have your number so I can text you a time and place?" He said nervously scratching the back of his neck. "Yes." We exchanged numbers, but by then my lesson was over.

"I guess I'll text you later." "Okay. Can't wait." I began to reach for my guitar but he picked up, offering to carry it.

"I've got it." "Thank you." I said walking out the door with Shawn beside me. I unlocked the car and he put the guitar in.

"Well, goodbye Shawn. I'll talk you later." I said climbing into my car. "You definitely will. I'll text you later, see ya Y/n."

As soon as I got in my car, my phone went off signaling I got a text. I picked it up and read "Hey Y/n ❤️"

A/N: I'll leave the rest to your own imagination. Comment and vote please. Love you ❤️

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