Who's That?

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"So are you excited about camp?" Chloe asked me. "Yeah, I can't wait to see everybody again. It's been forever."

We're waiting for everyone to show up so we can load the buses, and Chloe being the early bird she is, we got here first.

I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who?" I heard a deep voice say from behind. "Duh, it's Nash. I could tell that voice from anywhere. Even when you fake it I can tell." He let his hands fall from my eyes so I could see again.

"I know, but it's always fun to try." He sat beside me on the bench. "Oh thank God, a shoulder to lean on."

I smiled and leaned on his shoulder as sleep took over.


"Y/n, wake up. It's time to load the bus." I opened my eyes, but closed them quickly. "Why does it have to be so bright." I heard Nash laugh from behind me.

"Because it's day time. Now let's go." I opened my eyes just enough to look at him. "No need for the sass." He smiled. "Oh I'm sorry, are you ready to go madam?" He said in a posh accent. "Why of course." I took his arm and he grabbed my bags.

"You're sitting by me." Chloe said as she caught up with us. "That's he plan."

We all loaded the buses, but girls had to be on one side of the bus, while guys were on the other.

So Chloe got the window seat and Nash sat by me but on the other side.

God I can't wait til camp starts.


We finally arrived at camp after what seemed like it was going to be a smooth road, but after an hour and a half we hit a gravel road.

And let me just say those aren't that fun on a bus. Especially if you're worried about the person being you throwing up because they get car sick.

"Okay everyone wait for your luggage that the guys will be loading off of the bus. Once you get your bags go stand by the lamppost, okay. Everyone got that?" Our leader Emma said.

"Yes ma'am." We said in unison.

We all got off of the bus to see the boys taking all of our luggage, and I couldn't wait to get mine. It's so hot.

"Oh there's mine." Chloe said. "Oh and mine." Nash followed closely after her. I rolled my eyes and stood there alone.

5 minuets went by and it seemed like everyone had their luggage but me. I looked around to see one other person.

"Hopefully they didn't lose our luggage." I laughed. "I know. I hope they can carry mine. It was really heavy." She laughed. "Yeah so was mine."

"What's your name?" She smiled. "Annalise, what's yours?" I returned the gesture. "Y/n." I looked up to see them struggling with my bag.

"Well that's mine, see you later." She smiled. "See you later."

I grabbed my bag and went by the lamppost where the rest of the group was.

"Welcome back." Nash said. I punched his arm. "Ouch what was that for. It's not like I made that happen." I rolled my eyes. "Oh it was your fault Grier."

"Okay, boys come this way, you're in cabin 2. And girls you're in cabin 12." All us girls ran to our cabins to claim our bunks.

Three girls I've never seen ran to our room. "Are you guys rooming with us?" Chloe asked them. They looked anxious.

"Uh yeah, if it's okay." They said sounding intimidated. I smiled at them. "Of course it is." We all claimed our beds and we all got top bunk.

"So how old are you guys?" I asked the younger girls. "I'm going into the 6th grade." I looked at Chloe. "Awe." She said and I agreed.

"How about you two?" "We are going into the 7th grade." I chuckled. "Nice nice."

"I feel like we are all going to get along." The smallest one, Haley said. "Me too." Chloe commented, "Same, you guys seem chill."

"Hey, you guys get ready. We have 15 minutes to get ready for the games today." Chloe and I looked at each other.

"But we never have games on the first day." Our leader, Joni shrugged. "Well you guys do this year. Everyone off of there bunks and outside."

We all groaned and left the room, grabbing some last minute things.

"And by the way we have hype before the games, since we still have to figure out our team color." I rolled my eyes. perfect.

"What's hype?" Haley asked.

"We pretty much go into the auditorium and get hype for the games, but today we have to figure out our colors." Chloe replied. "Oh okay thanks." And with that she walked off.

We all walked to the auditorium pretty quickly, I guess we were all pretty excited for hype, especially the guys.

"There they are." Chloe said pointing in the direction of our group. I smiled looking around at everyone. They all had smiled on there face as the anticipation for camp to finally start was eating at us all.

I continued to look around until someone specific caught my eye. He had brown curly hair and had a nice build.

I tapped on Nash's shoulder, "Who's that?" I asked pointing to the unfamiliar boy. "Oh, that's Shawn Mendes." As if he heard, Shawn's head turned as soon as his name slipped out of Nash's mouth.

He looked at me with a smile and I felt myself blush. I returned the gesture and quickly looked away.

"Why Y/n, do you think he's cute?" I felt a smile creep onto my lips. "Actually yes." He smiled. "Well I can see what I can do about it." It hit his arm. "Don't you do anything." He smirked. "No promises."


(At the games)

"So what's his name?" Chloe asked. "Shawn Mendes." "Oh that Mendes kid, he is pretty cute." I gave her threatening look. "Don't worry he's all yours." I smiled. "Good."

"You know he plays guitar, he's also a pretty good singer." She said with a smirk on her face. She knows how much I love musicians.

I looked into the field where the games were being held, "Apparently athletic too." I said as I watched him run on the field.

"Hey look, isn't that Shawn? The one you like?" Nash asked loudly. "Shh." I said as I slapped his arm, but it didn't phase him, all he did was laugh.

"I'm just kidding, but for reals. There he is." I gave him a questioning look. "What do you mean?" I then felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to see a slightly sweaty Shawn.

"Hey, I'm Shawn. I saw you at hype and I just thought I'd come and talk to you." He said slightly flushed. I couldn't tell if it was from the running or if he was blushing.

"Well, I'm glad you did. My names Y/n." I said gesturing for a hand shake. He slipped his hand in mine and shook it lightly.

"Nice to meet you."

I have a feeling this is going to be a good summer.


A/N: I'm so sorry that it took forever for me to update. I'm also so sorry it sucks, but I am still very busy. I'm actually at my friends house for a week, but I promise you guys after that I will update more often.

Thank you for reading, love you xx

Shawn Mendes Imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt