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(Shawn's pov)

The way her words cut me deep. It felt like a knife tearing away at my heart, little by little. And soon there would be nothing left.

I need to let her go. She'll only hurt me, but I love her. It's torture. I love her, but all she does is tear me down. The words hurt me more than she knows.

She told me she just couldn't stay in the relationship anymore. That it wasn't enough for her. She needed time to find herself, to find her joy.

That hurt me the most. I wasn't giving her the happiness in life that she needed, but she filled my life with happiness. She's my joy.

I'd thought I had been hurt before. I've had my heart broken before, but this is the worst pain I've felt. There is no pain like someone not loving you the way you love them. That is the worst pain a person can experience.

I just need to move on. If I don't it'll be deadly.


(Y/n pov)

I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to tell him that it was over. I love him. It was just best for his career.

I didn't want to tell him that Andrew told me that I needed to end things. Doing this was a sacrifice of my own heart and feelings.

I know how much Shawn loves his fans and his career. He couldn't live without them. That's why I did it. I couldn't bare the thought of me being the reason his career was over. I couldn't bare the though of me putting him through that kind of that pain.

I told him that the relationship just wasn't enough for me. I needed to find myself and my joy. Which was a complete lie.

Shawn is my joy. He is my everything. When I'm with him I feel complete. He is where I find myself. He helped me be the person I am now. He has helped me become more confident. He has made me a better person, and I couldn't be more thankful.

It hurt like hell to let him go, but it was for the best. He gets to have his career still. He has all his amazing fans supporting him.

He will find someone better than me. Someone his management, the press, and his fans will like. He will find someone better than me. He deserves it.


(Y/n pov 1 year later)

I was at the cafe that Shawn and I met. I'm even sitting in the booth where we first talked.

This was our spot. This is where we had so many dates. We spent hours here talking, and just enjoying each other's company.

Being here was bitter sweet. It hurt a little knowing that it was over, but I cherish all the memories that were made here.

Shawn has been on his world tour, and I couldn't be more proud. He's made it. He is living his dream.

Sometimes when I feel the pain I think that I didn't make the right choice, but then I see him on stage. I see the joy it brings to him. I see the smile on his face, and the joy in his eyes. Then I know I made the right choice.

I heard a bell ring from behind me, signaling someone entered the cafe. I turned to meet a pair of familiar caramel eyes. I felt like the world stopped, and it was just him and I.

He smiled weakly at me, then walked the the counter to order his drink.

My heart was pounding. I wanted to run out, and not turn back. But that'd be wrong. Yet I want to be here. To see him, to talk to him. But I don't know if I'm ready. Psh who am I kidding I definitely am. Maybe. I don't know.

I felt a tap on my shoulder pulling me out of my thoughts. "Can I sit here?" I smiled. I seemed cool, calm, and collected on the outside, but I was freaking out on the inside.

"Of course." He sat across from me, and I took a drink of my coffee. We sat in an awkward silence.

"Are you liking tour?" His eyes lit up. "Totally. It's amazing. I love seeing my fans. They do so much for me. It's funny when they meet me a lot of them say that their dreams have come true, and I think it's ironic because they're making my dreams come true everyday. I love them." I smiled.

"That's amazing. You have the best fans. I see all the fan projects, and art. They're truly amazing. You're lucky." He smiled. "Yeah I am. But anyway how are you?" My smiled faded away.

"I've been pretty good." He nodded. "I hope you found what you were looking for Y/n." I felt the tears come to my eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry. What happened?" I shook my head. "You Shawn. I missed you everyday. It hurt so much. It still hurts." A confused look spread across his face.

"Y/n you broke up with me." "I know Shawn. I didn't want to. I had too." I looked to see his tear filled eyes. "Why did you then?" "I can't Shawn." He grabbed my hand. "Please Y/n. I deserve an explanation."

He's right he did deserve an explanation. I took a deep breath to gather myself.

"I didn't want to break up with you Shawn, but it was best for you and your career." He shook his head. "I don't think I get what you mean."

"The press and your management didn't like me. They said you would lose fans if you weren't single anymore. I was affecting your career negatively. I was also a 'distraction' to you. So Andrew told me to break up with you, but I didn't tell you that because I know you wouldn't have let it happen. You would've done everything in your power to keep me. Even if it meant damaging your career, and I couldn't let that happen. I gave you up so you could live your dream." By this time tears were soaking the both of our cheeks.

"I would've gave up my career for you. I love you. I didn't want to loose you. I would've done anything to keep you Y/n."

"I know Shawn, and I couldn't let you do that. Not for me. I'm not worth it." He grabbed both of my hands. "Yes you are. You are worth the world to me. Please give this a chance."

"I don't know Shawn. Andrew won't like it." "Well he can deal with it. Just like the press and my fans can. If they don't like it they're going to have to suck it up. Because I'm not losing you again. And if they say anything they're going to hear it from me. Please Y/n I love you. I need you." His words warmed my heart.

"You promise?" He smiled. "Of course I promise." We stood up and I engulfed him in a hug, taking in his cologne.

He slipped out of the hug and took both of my hands, intertwining our fingers.

"And this time you promise to tell me if Andrew or anyone tells you anything?" I smiled "I promise." I engulfed him in another hug.

"I love you Mendes."

"I love you too."


A/N: Thank you for reading. I love you guys so much ❤️

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