I swallowed a large lump that was developing in my throat and fighting more tears from falling. I nodded my head as I understood and went to go sit back down but the doctor pulled me back. "Would you like to be in the room with her? She won't be awake since she is still unconscious, but it'll give you a chance to be there for her and your babies." She smiled slightly as she released the grip on my arm. I nodded my head once more following them out the door looking back to my parents once again. Nervousness was written all over their face as it was mine. I looked down to the ground and proceeded to follow the doctors.

They gave me a surgical gown and cap to wear while in the room with Emari. I wouldn't be able to see anything considering a large sheet would be draped up.

As I walked into the surgery room it was cold and very bright. I saw her lying unconscious on the table looking pale as ever. I took a seat right next to her and rubbed my hand gently over her face numerous times.

Why am I doing this? Why am I treating her this way?

"Ok Mr. Dolan were going to begin now." I heard from behind the sheet. I didn't say anything back as I continued to stroke her face, taking in all her beautiful features.

I never really realized before how beautiful she is. Her delicate skin that took the color of a soft beige. Her plump lips that once held the perfect shade of a rosy pink color. The small freckles she had spread across her face adding more character to her.

I think I had feelings for this girl. But I wasn't to sure as to why? Why am I feeling this way for someone I treated so horribly? I blamed Ethan's death on her. I blamed everything on her. I wasn't there when she needed me. I didn't care that she needed me. She doesn't deserve me whatsoever. Especially with the way I treated her.

I closed my eyes shaking my head disappointed with myself. This girl obviously cared for me and I gave her hell.

God I'm such an ass.

I heard the doctors begin mumbling to each other but I couldn't really understand them. My curiosity began to rise as I stood from my chair still unable to see over the sheet they placed across Emari.

"What's going on?" I asked sounding agitated they were whispering about whatever was going on behind that curtain.

"Oh nothing Mr. Dolan I'm just explaining something to an intern." She said quickly. I had an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach as if something else was wrong. "Well is there something wrong?" I asked once again. "Uh no sir we're still working."

Why does she sound so rushed?

I glanced over the sheet quickly to see what was going on immediately regretting it. Blood was everywhere and I could see the doctors pulling the first baby out feet first. I quickly ducked back behind the curtain and sitting back down.

Seeing all the blood brought flashbacks back to the accident.

Blood everywhere.

Broken glass being flown in all directions.

Me seeing Ethan's body lying next to me.

Me screaming at the top of my lungs.

I put my head in my hands shaking my head vigorously. I didn't want these images in my head. I wish I didn't remember the fucking accident.

I brought my attention back to Emari. I raised my hand to cup the side of her cheek gently as I rubbed my thumb across her cheekbone. I thought back to the first time I saw her.

When I first woke up.

The way her soft angelic lips fell upon mine. The way she looked so tired and worn down but looked as beautiful as ever still. The way her eyes filled with hope and desire but soon turned sad and hurt once she realized I had no idea who I was.

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