A New Place

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(Aphmau's p.o.v)
I woke up on a couch. I sat up and look around

Aph: hello?
Mel: ah you are awake.
Aph: sorry that I fainted
Mel: nah it's okay.
Aph: anyone here?
Mel: just me and your mom
Aph: ah okay.
Mel: you okay?
Aph: I'm good. I don't even know why I fainted
Mel: stress
Aph: how do you know?
Mel: Jess
Aph: Jess?
Mel: well Jess must of taken over for a second and said you were about to faint out of stress
Aph: okay. Melissa where is Aaron?
Mel: he out with my dad, but they will be home soon I told them I found you and Aaron wanted to come home right away, but my dad told him no so, he has to wait.
Aph: he is a jerk
Mel: like that yes, he pretty nice but he knows you have that anxiety and won't let Aaron come home.
Aph: so all our stuff was burned?
Mel: nope everyone grabbed most of things they need it.
Aph: ahh so Aaron went into our room grabbed what he need then booked it?
Mel: yeah, Trust me he going to be pretty mad at himself when he finds out where you were.
Aph: I hope not
Mel: I hope not either but you know he will be mad at himself. Its Aaron.
Aph: I guess you are right. Hey Mel can I have someone water.
Mel: sure.

Melissa goes and gets water.

Aphmau sighs. The door opens and Derek, Aaron and Garroth come through the door. Aaron looks over to the couch. He puts the food on the floor and rubs over to her. He picks her up and hugs her.

Aar: Aphmau! God I was so worried for you
Aph: heh I knew you would be
Der: Aaron!
Mel: Dad leave him alone. He could of lose his wife. I'll help you.
Der: I guess you are right...
Mel: hehe

Melissa hands Aphmau her water. She walks over to Derek and helps with the food.

Aph: I was so scared Aaron.
Aar: Aphmau I am so sorry. It was my fault I panic and didn't look for you..
Aph: Aaron...
Aar: yes..?
Aph: I was on the balcony...
Aar: our...our balcony...?
Aph: yup...
Aar: ...
Aph: I was asleep...
Aar: you have to be kidding me...
Aph: please don't be mad at yourself. I didn't tell you what I was doing... It's my fault...
Aar: no no Aph...
Aph: it is... It's my fault I didn't tell you.
Aar: ...
Aph: how did you guys not noice Daniel knock candle anyways?
Aar: we didn't noice until the flames where bigger Daniel didn't know he knocked it over anyways
Aph: is it bad that I remember lighting a candle a few hours ago...
Aar: oh... What's it a long candle?
Aph: yup...
Aar: ...
Aph: ...
Aar: I'm just glad you are safe.
Aph: I'm glad I am safe aswell.
Aar: how did you get down anyways?
Aph: I jumped off the Balcony.
Aar: are you okay?
Aph: yeah I am fine but there was no other for me to get down.
Aar: I am sorry Aphmau I wish I noticed you.
Aph: it's okay Aaron.

Aaron and Aphmau sat on couch sat there and chat for awhile.... Then some one brusts through the door...

Yay another part I'll keeping writing so I can post another part tomorrow later. I hoped you enjoyed. (Next part is going to be called: Summer Camp Is Over) (pages: 5) (words: 588)

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