Jarley: Masquerade Ball

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Jake had no idea why he was here. He didn't even know where they were, he just allowed his best friend, Ryder, to drag him here.

Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad mistake that he'd never make again.

Now his brunette friend had abandoned him to go dance with some girl that he had met earlier, but Jake couldn't leave because his friend was his ride there.

He was both irritated and uninterested in everything, even when a blonde with a mask offered her hand to him. "You seem lonely. Also, this is a masquerade dance, you should be wearing a mask of some sort."

"Not lonely, just bored," he huffed, keeping his arms crossed. "And the masks look dumb."

She scoffed, "And here I was thinking you were cute."

"That's all on you, honey," he smirked condescendingly, earning a drink to the face. He frowned as it dripped onto his white shirt. Jake felt the trickle of the liquid bleed through, and he poked at it in annoyance, not enjoying the weird sticky feeling.

Suddenly, two hands nudged a piece of plastic over his face, and he let out a squeak of surprise. "Aw," a brunette girl with shocking blue eyes and a black mask gushed. "That little noise you made was so cute."

"Shut up," he tried to pull the stupid mask off, but she forced him to keep it on.

"You're no fun!" She pouted. "Come on! Just wear the adorable lion mask and dance with me!"

"I don't even know who you are," he grunted, but to his surprise, he allowed her to whisk him to the dance floor.

"That's the point of a masquerade ball, you dummy," she chuckled then introduced herself, "I'm Marley Rose."

"Jake Puckerman," he replied gruffly. "Look, I don't dance, okay?" That was a lie but she didn't need to know that. "So I'm just gonna sit back do-"

"Hell, no, Jack," she interrupted.

"Uh, it's Jake," he scratched the back of his ear.

Marley just shrugged, "My bad, I'm not good with names."

"Oh, uh-" he didn't really know what to say to that.

"Now dance, Jake Puckerman," she demanded, and she urged him right into the middle of the floor. People were surrounding them, and he was almost sure he would lose her, but somehow she clung on. Jake felt people elbowing him and stepping on his shoes, and at some point, another drink was spilled on him.

Despite all that, he somehow wasn't all that concerned of the crowd or the noise. He was with Marley, a ball of energy and joy, and somehow she brightened his mood.

"Look at you, Jake Puckerman!" The brunette girl cheered. "You can really bust a move!"

"Ha, I love that song. In my high school glee club, our weird ass teacher guy did that number and it was actually pretty good," he grinned easily.

"That's awesome," she reflect his expression. "You know, Jake Puckerman, I don't know why you tried to intimidate me earlier. You're kind of cool."

"Kind of?"

"Just a little bit," she pinched her fingers and squinted her eyes. "So, Jake Puckerman-"

"You can just call me Jake," he interrupted.

"What about Puckerman, or, ooh, Puck?" She suggested.

"Nah, my brother goes by Puck," he shook his head. "Jake is fine."

Marley pursed her lips, "You know what? I think I'm gonna stick with Jake Puckerman. How does that sound, Jake Puckerman?"

"I'm down with it, Marley Rose."

"Jake Puckerman."

"Marley Rose."

"Ooh, what about J.P?" She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "That has a nice ring to it."

He rolled his eyes, "Okay, Marley Rose."


"Marley Rose."


"Marley Rose." Just saying her name made him happy. "Marley Marley Marley."

"J.P. J.P J.P," she echoed.

"How long is this gonna happen for?" He laughed.

"Well you just broke the chain, so I guess it stops now."

"Oh," he scratched his head. "Sorry?"

"No need to be sorry," she giggled. "I'm glad I wasn't the one that had to finish it."

Jake opened his mouth to say more, but he was cut off by the change of music. "Oh, this - this is a slow song. Do you still want to...?" He trailed off, leaving his question unspoken.

"Sure," Marley simple shrugged and slipped her hands around his neck while his came to her waist.

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more...


Ending chapters is so tough ughhhhshdhHhskdjfjs

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