Samcedes: Boxer

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Prompt: In an illegal underground fight club, Sam's one of the best kickboxers, but when he fractured his left hand, his whole life seems to have been ruined. Mercedes is a doctor that promises to keep the club a secret on one condition. He has to pretend she's his fake girlfriend so she can escape her family's demands to find herself a boyfriend. The results of this deal? Falling in love, of course.

This is going to be a full book later on. I just wanted to give you guys a short, unofficial preview!

"And there goes Evans once again with his famous uppercut then roundhouse kick!" The announcer yelled in the microphone over the screams of the crowd.

Sam smirks, bringing one of his fists to guard his face and his other fist a little lower - parallel to his neck. He narrows his eyes as his enemy, Schuester (Schue for short), and watches as the other man lunges for his right.

Sam shoots up his right hand to block, but then Schue swiftly changes direction at the last moment to grab Sam's left wrist.

"Son of a-" the blonde grunts, his eyes closing for a millisecond. He cries out in pain as he hears a crack from his left hand.

He stumbles back, clutching his arm close to his chest. He's ready to give up when he remembers why he's even in there in the first place.

With a newfound motivation, he straightens his standing position. The throbbing pain of his left hand possibly being broken numbs from his sheer determination and adrenaline.

"I'm going to bash your head in, you hear me?" Sam seeths, glaring at the referee that asks him if he can still fight. "Of course I can fucking fight! I'm standing ready, aren't I?"

The referee looks conflicted, but from one sharp look given by Sam, he backs off, allowing the blonde to finish his match.

Schue sets his jaw as he lunges again, surprised to see Sam still standing and seemingly unaffected by such a harmful attack. Sam sidesteps easily, rolling his eyes at how sloppy Schue's attacks were becoming.

The curly haired opponent trips comically over Sam's foot before falling splat on his face onto the concrete.

A gasp runs through the crowd as they witness blood oozing from Schue's nose. The two emergency doctors grab him and haul him up, while Sam stretches his arms up victoriously. The referee pats his back, declaring Sam Evans the winner.


"That hurts like a bitch!" Sam swears loudly as the girl inspects his wrist. She prods it lightly, earning a hiss of pain.

"Please, Mr. Boxer. That's what you are, correct?" She doesn't wait for a response. "You should be able to withstand this kind of stuff." She rubs the tender skin ever so slightly. "Just what I suspected. You have a fractured wrist."

Sam curses under his breath, his eyes shutting as the pain comes to him clearer now. "How the hell am I supposed to fight now?"

Mercedes watches the man pitifully. She leans back in her chair, rocking it slightly as she thinks.

"What do you fight for?" she questions suddenly. His gaze snaps upwards at the question. He furrows his brows, opening and closing his mouth as if he doesn't know how to respond. "Let me rephrase. You're really damn motivated to fight. But why? And, if I may ask, where is it you fight?"

Sam's jaw clenches in hostility. "That's none of your damn business."

"I guess I can't help you then," she lies, relaxing in her chair and watching Sam in slight amusement. "Good luck finding a better doctor that pays less and doesn't ask questions."

"Fine!" he groans, already regretting his decision to agree. He knows that she's right, though. "I work in an underground kickboxing stadium."

Mercedes is silent for a few moments, allowing the information to sink in. "Underground? Like illegal? Like that fight club shit?"

"That's one way to put it, yeah," Sam admits. "Look, you can't tell anyone. If you do, my career, my only source of income, will be ruined. I need this."

She notices how he basically begs her, and she can't help but feel sympathy for him. Suddenly, an idea comes to mind, and she realizes she could benefit from this. "Okay, but on one condition."

"What? Why does there need to be a condition? I'm paying you to help my hand. Which still hurts like a bitch, just saying."

"You can forget paying me with money. I have something more dire," she states. He nods, letting her know he's listening. "I'll fix your hand and keep your job a secret if you agree to be my fake boyfriend."

"I...I'm sorry?" Sam's eyebrows shoot up, and he's hoping he heard her wrong.

"I'll fix your hand and keep your job a secret if you agree to be my fake boyfriend," she repeats.

"What?!" he gulps, refusing to believe a word from her mouth.

"I'll fix your hand and keep your job a secret if you agree to be my fake boyfriend," she recalls.

"You can't be serious. Are you so desperate for a guy that you're blackmailing me-"

"I just need to get my parents off my back, okay? And... my grandmother's dying wish is to see me with someone special. I don't know when her condition will worsen, but I just want her to die knowing I'm happy."

Sam remains quiet for a long period of time as Mercedes gently grabs his hand continues to inspect his injury.

"Okay," he finally whispers.

"Really?" Mercedes brightens up visibly.

"Yeah. As long as you keep my job a secret and you get my hand fixed, I'll let you introduce me as your boyfriend to your grandma."

She embraces him tightly, catching both of them by surprise.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me."


Soooo you excited? The first chapter will probably be longer than this considering it's only about 1000 words. Anyway, if you enjoyed, please comment and vote! Happy reading!

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