Klaintana: Coming Out

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All Kurt could do was rub Santana's back and whisper words of assurance as she cried quietly, hiding her face with her hands.

"I can't believe this is happening to me," she sniffed. "And I can't believe you guys were the first people I decided to go to besides Brittany," she added.

"Santana," Blaine gently spoke. "I wasn't outed like you were, but I know what it feels like to be scared of this situation. I'm glad you came to me because now you'll have someone that's had experience with being out."

"You two don't understand, okay?" Santana looked at the couple with watery eyes. "You have nice families that support you, and everyone likes you because you're not bitches like I am. I'm not gonna have anyone. You know how scared that makes me feel? You've always been so sure and ready to be yourself, but I can't! I struggled with my sexuality so much last year, and then this year I was finally beginning to come to terms. Then this happened! That stupid tall oaf practically announced to the school that I'm a lesbian, and-and," she stopped herself because she was running out of breath from talking so fast.

"Santana, you need to calm down," Kurt told her. "Breathe in," he directed, and she helplessly did what he said. "And out."

Blaine's hands rested on her cheeks as he wiped her tears. "I never imagined the day I would see Santana 'Badass' Lopez crying," he chuckled humorlessly.

"I, for one, am I honored," Kurt smiled. "I'm really glad you decided to open up to us, Santana. We're going to be by your side the whole time, okay?"

She nodded, rubbing her knuckles under nose as she continued to sniffle. "Okay. Thank you, guys. I don't say this much, but you're pretty cool."

"Are my ears working correctly?" Blaine's triangular eyebrows shot up. "Did Santana 'I'm From Lima Heights' Lopez just compliment me?"

"What is it with you and giving me nicknames?" Santana giggled playfully. "And don't get used to it, gel-brain. This whole hugging and comforting shit is once in a lifetime. The only one that really gets to see me vulnerable is Brittany."

"I'm glad that you get to be out with her," Kurt smiled. "You guys would make a cute couple."

"I've always thought the same about you two. Even though I say bitchy stuff about your relationship, it doesn't mean I think you're horrible," Santana choked out a laugh, her tears now dry. "You know, this whole being nice thing actually feels pretty good."

Blaine nodded in pride, and Kurt smoothed her hair. "We're here for you, Santana. And so is Brittany. And hopefully your family. But if they aren't, then you have another family, too."

"Yeah, the glee club is behind you completely. You may have insulted each of them a hundred times each, but they're going to help you," Blaine reassured.

"Okay," Santana nodded. "Okay, thank you. Really, you guys have been surprisingly helpful. A-And I planned on coming out to my parents tonight. I think I'm up for it."

"Yeah?" Blaine asked, wanting to make sure.

She nodded in response. "Will you need us there?" Kurt suggested, "For moral support?"

"No. I appreciate it, but I think I need to do this on my own. My family, my responsibility. If that makes sense," Santana answered, shaking her head.

"It makes complete sense," Kurt nodded.

"Now go get 'em, tiger!" Blaine cheered while the other two laughed.

"Don't, just don't ever say that again."


Woot! Third update today! Albeit, it's short like the other two, but it was fun and fluffy, and I love fun and fluffy.

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