Tike: Asian Camp

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First day of Asian camp

Tina was never interested in Mike before she began spending more and more time with him at Asian camp. After her hasty breakup with Artie, that resulted in minimal screaming a crying, Tina was ready to be back on her feet.

Mike wasn't the type of football player that jumped from one girl to next. He also wasn't the type to make his relationships completely meaningful, either. He never so much as acknowledged the fact that Tina was a choice for him until Asian camp.

Who knew a camp that their parents pitted them into could be such an amazing matchmaker?

"Tina! Thank God. Someone I know," Mike breathed in relief, his chest rising and falling from exhaustive exercising.

"Uh," Tina glanced down at his abs. Holy shit they were hot. "Y-yeah."

"I thought you dropped the fake stutter?" Mike teased, knowing full well that she was ogling him. "Like something you see?" He over-exaggerted a flex of his muscles.

"Mm, not really," Tina played it off lightly. "Did your parents force you to come here, or did you make the stupid decision come here on your own?"

"I wanted to come here," Mike lied, feigning hurt.

Tina's eyebrows shot up in alarm. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to offend-"

"Nah, just joking," Mike chuckled. He brought an arm out so Tina could grab it. "My I escort you, m'lady?" He asked in a terrible British accent.

"Of course, kind sir," Tina giggled, grabbing his bicep. Attempting not to cop a feel, she grinned. Moving on from Artie wouldn't be so difficult after all.

Last day of Asian camp

Mike swept Tina along her room as she struggled to escape his grasp. "Wait! I have to finish packing. Mike!" She squealed slightly as he tickled her sides.

He pressed his lips lightly against hers, ceasing her feeble attempts to escape. "What were you saying?" He whispered against her lips.

She frowned playfully as she smacked him lightly on the arm. "Totally unfair!"

"All's fair in love and war," Mike recited.

"Y-you lo-love me?" It was their first time ever saying that to each other and it felt so right and complete.

"Again with the stuttering," Mike shook his head. "B-but ye-yes," he mocked. "I love you."

Tina's face brightened as she replied, "I love you, too!"


Thank you jmurphy145 for this request. If you have any others, please request more! This was just a whole lotta Tike fluff because they're one of my favorite ships ❤ And if you enjoyed, please vote and comment. Happy reading!

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