Kurtcedes: Pettiness

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"Tater tots are healthy!" Mercedes argued, arms crossing over her chest.

"Tater tots aren't healthy at all!" Kurt mocked her stance, a frown finding its way on his face. He just wanted his friend to be careful about what she ate, even if it meant forcing her away from her favorite food. Okay, so maybe it was sort of torturous of him to do so, but he had good intentions!

"Tater tots are potatoes which are vegetables. So... tots are healthy!" Mercedes stood as tall as she could even though she hadn't reached Kurt's height.

"You know what? I don't think I can handle arguing with you. So don't bother talking to me if you're only gonna ruin your diet."

"You're breaking up with me?" Mercedes gasped.

Kurt shot her a confused look. "I'm gay."

Mercedes shrugged, "Bad joke."

Kurt pursed his lips, shaking his head. "I'll miss you," he patted her shoulder before turning away and taking a seat in the cafeteria.

The next day, Mercedes visited Kurt at his locker like always. "Look Kurt, let's set things straight. Even though you're not."

"Really? Another gay joke?"

"Sorry, sorry," Mercedes chuckled. "You're an amazing friend, Kurt. You want me to stay healthy and all that good stuff, but I think you should respect my choices. Yes, I will try to be careful with what I eat, but I don't want you getting all up in my face about it."

"Yeah, I guess I wanna apologize for being so pushy about it, too. And even though you make some... questionable decisions, I'll always have your back."

Mercedes grinned, her arms outstretched to give him a hug. As they embraced, they heard a voice call "losers" and a slushy was thrown towards both of them.

Kurt rolled his eyes as he wiped his face nonchalantly. "One day they're gonna work for us."

"Then we'll be the ones to throw slushies," Mercedes finished for him, her forearm rubbing the red slushy off.

Together they made their ways to the bathroom to clean the rest of their slushies off.


Just some season 1 fluffiness. I hated how Kurtcedes were barely friends after season 1, same with Quinncedes and then Sancedes ended after season 3 and... like all of Mercedes's friendships. She's honestly one of the most underrated characters now that I think about it. Anywayyyy, if you liked it, please vote and comment! Happy reading!

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