Finchel: I Love You More

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Get tissues.

Rachel leaned into her husband's arm, finding comfort in his very presence. Finn laughed warmly as she snuggled up against him from the cold.

"This taxi is taking forever," their son, Cory, complained. "I don't know how much longer I'll be able to live in New York. The traffic is horrible."

"So is your attitude, young man," Rachel scolded him. "New York is your home. Don't you want to stay here?"

"Honestly? I want to go to a small, almost unknown town. Like where you guys grew up. What was it? Ohio or something," Cory explained.

"He's definitely not your son," Finn chuckled. "When your mom was in high school, she could not wait to leave the small place and go somewhere as big as her voice. And that, sir, is why we live in the great New York."

"Greatly polluted, maybe," Lea, Rachel and Finn's daughter, muttered.

"What was that?" Rachel raised her eyebrows. "Are you insulting my city-"

"Here she goes..." Finn murmured under his breath, loud enough for the other three to hear. Rachel wasn't bothered by it because she was going off on a rant about how amazing New York was.

"Babe. Honey. Rach," the tall man interrupted. "As much as I love to hear you talk, the taxi is here, and I think I'm gonna freeze my ass off in this weather. So let's go!" Before the short brunette could reprimand Finn for cursing in front of the children, he dragged her into the taxi.

When they got to their fairly large apartment, Cory and Lea immediately fell onto their beds and passed out. Rachel smiled gently at the twins' childish actions and sighed happily as Finn tucked them in properly.

She was so damn happy to have such a beautiful family.

"Finally, some Finchel alone time," Finn wiggled his brows suggestively and earned a laugh from his wife.

"Santana would say that's wanky, but I don't want her to go 'All Lima Heights' for stealing her favorite phrase," Rachel joked.

"How would she even know?" Finn snorted, plopping down on the couch and pulling Rachel into his lap.

She turned and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Her Mexican third eye does not tell lies."

"Just like Harry Potter from the fifth movie?" Finn buried his nose into Rachel's neck, and kissed her shoulder softly. Rachel still felt tingles from Finn's simple touch, even after being together for almost a decade.

"Yeah, exactly like that," Rachel replied.

The two sat in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company without having a conversation. Their hearts beat in sync, and their breaths were quiet.

"Finn?" Rachel spoke up softly.


"I'm really happy. I love you so much."

"I love you more," Finn responded. Suddenly his eyes flew open, and he gently moved Rachel off of him. "I forgot my phone in the restaurant! Wait up, I'll be right back! I love you!"

"I love you, too!" Rachel called before he shut the door.


Rachel hadn't realized she dozed off until she heard her phone buzz with her familiar ringtone. "Hello?" She answered groggily.

"Mrs. Hudson, we're very sorry to inform you that your husband, Finn Hudson, has been in an accident. He's currently in the emergency room-"

Rachel didn't listen to anything after that. She threw her phone on the couch and scrambled to get her kids up.

"Cory, Lea!" Rachel hissed. "Get up! It's an emergency!"

"What's wrong, mom?" Lea inquired, rubbing her eyes as she was forced from her bed.

Cory would complain, but judging from the urgency and the panic in his mother's voice, he decided to remain silent, obediently following her out of their home.

Rachel explained what happened to the kids while in the taxi, and they all dashed to the hospital entrance and barged into the once peaceful lobby.

"Can I help you-" the receptionist was cut off from Rachel slamming her hand against the desk.

"I'm here for Hudson! Finn Hudson! I'm his wife. I need to see him now!" Rachel blurted, almost in tears.

This could not be happening. They had just talked. He couldn't be hurt. It couldn't end like this. They finally settled down happily. They had kids and good, stable careers. Finn couldn't just leave it all behind!

"Mr. Hudson is currently in the emergency room, ma'am. You won't be able to see him until-"

"I need to see him now! I need- I..." Suddenly, it was becoming difficult for Rachel to breathe. It couldn't end like this for Finn. He still had a life ahead of him. They were supposed to grow old together and die holding hands with content smiles. They were supposed to meet their grandchildren and maybe even great-grandchildren.

It couldn't end this early. Rachel refused to let it end this early.

"Ma'am, please sit down and take a deep breath. You'll be able to see him once he's been properly treated," the receptionist told her.

Cory and Lea led their mom to a seat, and she slumped down in defeat, allowing the tears the finally drop.

The two children had no idea how to take this. Their father. Their warm-hearted, funny, supportive father could be gone any second.

A year later...

Rachel sat in front of her late husband's grave, picking at the grass.

"Hey, Finn. It's me again. You know, your wife, Rachel. Life hasn't been the same without you, but our friends have been really helpful with this. I just want you to know that I love you."

She let out a shaky breath before continuing. "Our last conversation consisted of us just sitting together in comfort. I told you how happy I was. I told you I love you. You told me you love me more, but-" she cut herself off with a tiny chuckle. Rachel felt the tears rebuilding. "I will always love you the most, Finn. Wherever you are. However you're listening. I love you more."


I have NO idea why I decided to go the depressing route. I was just in my feels and this idea popped up and... yeah. Don't tell me I didn't warn you!


Anyway, if you enjoyed, please vote and comment! Happy (or sad) reading!

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