Bramtana: Mission Brittana

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Sam sets up his sister, Brittany, with the new girl at school.

"Yeah, I know this super sweet girl..." Sam said to Brittany on their way to school.

"Mhm," Sam nodded to Santana as they made their way to history class. "My sister's super nice."

Ever since Sam found out that Brittany was bisexual (he found her making out with a cheerleader under the bleachers) and Santana was lesbian (he found out when he heard about her many ex-girlfriends back in Kentucky) he was ready to become a lady-loving match-maker.

He had done with Kurt and Blaine, Finn and Rachel, Quinn and Puck, Tina and Mike, heck, even Mr. Schue and Ms. Pillsbury. How difficult would it be for two girls?

It turned out to be very difficult.

For one thing, Santana was a skeptical bitch who assumed Sam was just a pervert that wanted to see two girls getting it on. Brittany thought that Sam was going to be like a dad and embarrass the hell out of her like last time.

He only showed up to their date in a fake moustache with glasses to disguise himself as a waiter to make sure the girl wouldn't be rude to Brittany! Then he proceeded to get kicked out of Breadstix with a warning. That's not a dad thing to do, it's a protective brother thing to do!

So step one to Mission Brittana: Get them to meet.

"Santana Lopez to the nurse's office, please. Santana Lopez to the nurse's office," He purposely made it so that Santana had to take fake medication at the nurse's office.

Sam would then get himself hurt (he ran into his locker a couple of times) and got himself sent to the nurse. He texted Brittany and told her that he was at the nurse because of his injury. She texted him back saying she was on her way to check up on him.

Now for the hard part.

Step two to Mission Brittana: Make them become friends.

Santana got to the nurse first. "Hey, Santana," Sam greeted cheerily, pressing an ice pack to eye.

"Hey, injured pervert," Santana responded coldly.

Sam's eyebrows shot up slightly. Maybe he shouldn't set up Brittany with Santana...

Too late, Brittany was through the door, scrambling to Sam's side. "Sam, what happened?" She asked urgently.

"I was being clumsy, and I tripped into the lockers," Sam laughed. "You know, being the usual me."

"Where's the nurse? Why was I called down here?" Santana got Brittany's attention, and once they saw each other, all they did was stare.

Sam smirked lightly. He was on the right track. He cleared his throat after a moment, but their eyes never wavered from each other. He cleared his throat louder, but to no avail. "AHEM!"

Brittany snapped her gaze away, her face reddening. She bashfully smiled down towards Sam who winked with the eye that wasn't covered with the ice pack.

"Er... the... the nurse. Yeah, uh, she isn't here," Brittany mumbled, glancing at Santana shortly before looking away again.

"Yeah," Santana laughed. "I can see that. Why was I called down if the nurse isn't here?"

"Oh!" Sam lit up, pretending to remember. "She said she had to go out for a little bit to get your medication."

"My medication?" Santana questioned. "I don't take medication. And even if I did, she wouldn't tell another student about another student's medication because of confidentiality and stuff."

"Oh..." Sam muttered under his breath. He hadn't thought of that. "Guess the nurse isn't doing her job then, huh?" Sam chuckled, lying the best he could.

"You sick pervert!" Santana gasped after a moment. "You got yourself hurt so Brittany would come here. Then you faked a note from the nurse to get me here so we would meet! You're going far lengths just to see two girls-"

"That's not what it is at all! Look, Santana. You're new, so you probably don't know this. I'm the school matchmaker. I'm the reason for all of the power couples at this school, but the toughest one to match has been Brittany-"

"Hey, now wait a moment!" Brittany frowned. "I don't need my brother finding me someone. I can find someone on my own just fine! Do you..." her anger softened to sadness. "Do you think I'm too stupid?"

"No!" Sam immediately burst out, sitting up abruptly. He clutched his head in pain. "No way! I just wanna help!"

"Last time you set me up on a date, you spied on me and got yourself kicked out. You almost deprived me of Breadstix!" Brittany looked genuinely upset, and all Sam wanted to do was  reassure her.

"You monster," Santana gasped. "Breadstix is the only part of Ohio that I actually like! To have that stolen from someone..." she shook her head ashamedly. "Disastrous. Catastrophic. Terrible. Calamitous."

"Tragic," Brittany added, also shaking her head. "Dreadful. Fatal."

"Unfavorable," Santana continued. "Unpropitious."

Sam stared at them in disbelief as they spouted synonym after synonym,  each with a sharp glare sent his way.

"Hey you wanna go to Breadstix so we can continue making words?" Santana suggested.

Brittany grinned, bringing her pinky up so Santana could link her own with it. "Let's get outta here."

The next week, they were deemed one of the cutest couple in McKinley High.


I think I'm gonna make a series of these. So one about Sam matchmaking Klaine, Finchel, Quick, Tike, Wemma, etc. Then the last one can be about Sam finding love with Mercedes on his own. Now I'm really excited lol.

Anyway, if you enjoyed it, please vote and comment! Happy reading!

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