Group Date

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Part of  Sam the Matchmaker one-shot series.

Brittana was in the lead. Obviously. They'd been bowling together ever since they could walk. This was a piece of cake for them.

Finchel was a close second. They had gone on several dates at the bowling alley, and they practiced frequently.

Tike and Quick were tied for third, their points going back and forth. They knew the basics of bowling, but they weren't as good as Brittana or Finchel.

Klaine was in fourth place, mostly because they were too wrapped up in each other to actually pay attention to the game.

Last, was Samcedes, the newest couple. Even though their bumpers were up, they couldn't play for shit.

Will and Emma weren't even present because Will was late on grading papers and Emma was stuck at school, dealing with a truckload of pamphlets.

"And another strike for Team Brittana!" Santana cheered for her girlfriend, wrapping her arms around her neck and pressing a long kiss on her lips.

"If that's the reaction I get every time I get a strike, I should keep doing what I do best," Brittany giggled, her fingers playing with the hem of Santana's shirt.

It was Finn's turn, but he was significantly distracted when Puck gave out a high pitched shriek.

Finn tripped over his feet, his hand slipping the bowling ball, and it rolled pathetically into the gutter.

"What the hell, man?" Finn cried, obviously upset that he ruined his chance for first place.

"S-sorry," Puck whimpered. "I could've swore there was a spider on Mike's back?"

"Huh?" Mike perked up into attention when he was addressed. "A spider on my back?"

"Oh my goodness, there is!" Tina yelled, scrambling away from her boyfriend.

That set Mike off. He screamed (which was rare because the Asian was always so calm) and ran around the bowling alley, attracting the attention of pretty much everyone in the room.

And like that, Tike was out of the game.

Kurt and Blaine discretely high-fived. This was their plan all along.

Finn and Rachel were the next victims under Klaine's villainy. Blaine had spiked her drink with a little something which set her off into drunk, clingy Rachel mode.

"Rach, honey. I love you, but you have to get off! We're trying to win, remember?"

Rachel giggled continuously. "Finny Bear, you have the cutest brown eyes ever. And your smile is soooo goofy and adorable and-" she sighed dreamily. "I'm so in love."

And like that, Finchel was out of the game.

Klaine rose up to third place, the only couples in their way were Quick and Brittana.

Puck was already thoroughly horrified from the fake spider, so Kurt figured that it wouldn't be difficult to give him another spook.

Quinn, however, was tough to get past. She was on high alert, her eyes narrowed accusingly at everyone.

Kurt approached her calmly. "Hey, Quinn. I know that you are what you eat, but Puck is such a pussy. Am I right?"

Blaine laughed (more like cackled evilly) at the joke.

"Puck and I have never had sex. We're waiting for the right time," Quinn patiently replied, her hands clasped together on her lap.

Santana and Brittany approached them, hand-in-hand as Kurt subtly slipped away from the conversation.

"Really?" Santana questioned. "Puckerman the Fucker-man is waiting? Man's totally in love. Oral sex is-"

"Yeah, yeah, I really don't need to know about lesbian sex," Blaine waved it off. "Gay men, right here," he pointed to himself and his boyfriend. "We don't have oral sex."

"Right," Puck stretched out the i sound. "Gay men give blowjobs."

"Yeah, yeah, I really don't need to know about gay sex," Santana mocked Blaine. "Lesbian women, right here" she pointed to herself and her girlfriend. "We don't give blowjobs."

"I JUST GOT A STRIKE!" Sam practically screamed as Mercedes said, "Guys, this conversation is really, really unnecessary."

"Anyway," Santana cracked her knuckles. "Britts and I have a game to win."

Suddenly, the floor felt slippery under Santana's feet, and she almost fell on her ass if it hadn't been for her extremely graceful and amazing and beautiful and - ahem - girlfriend there to help her.

"Who the hell decided spilling water in my lane was a good idea?" Santana shouted angrily.

Blaine cursed under his breath when his and Kurt's plan to trip Brittana failed. Quinn heard him mutter and she immediately jumped up in rage.

"You! Both you and Kurt we're up to this!" She blamed, "You put a fake spider on Mike's back! You spiked Rachel's drink to make her drunk off her ass! You 'spilled' water on the ground so Santana would slip!"

Kurt and Blaine stared in astonishment before shaking their heads. "Lucy Q," Kurt chuckled. "You're one smart girl."


Ahhhhhhhhh fun-filled times! I love when the New Directions are together, they're so cute :)))))))

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