Tikevans: Mission Tike

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Sam sets up his childhood best friend with McKinley's resident goth, Tina.

"Tina!" Sam called from the other side of the hall. She stopped her walking as he rushed over.

"Why the hell is Sam Evans the Match-Maker talking to me?" Tina frowned. "Have you found a man for me?"

"Yup!" Sam announced proudly. "I present to you," he stepped to the side to show Mike staring at them wearily. "Mike Chang."

"That's racist," Both the Asians deadpanned.

"Wh-" Sam creased his brows before they shot up in realization. "Oh! I didn't even think of that! The thing is, Mike's is like quiet, gentle strength. Tina is a strong force that seems shy, but really just wants to be noticed. You two would be great together!"

The two remained quiet as they watched him unblinkingly. Sam backed away slowly in fear for his life. He did not want to be on the other side of Mike's fist. The dude had, like, no body fat.

"So..." Sam was no several feet away. "You do you, I guess."

"Well, if Sam thinks it's a good idea-" Tina glanced up at Mike nervously.

"I trust Sam with my life," Mike nodded. He gestured with his head to the exit of the school.

The next week, they were deemed one of the cutest couples of McKinley High.


I'm losing ideas on how to get people togetherrrrr. Whatever, soon the series of one-shots will be over, so no need to worry!

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