Faberry: Something New

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With wide eyes, Quinn witnessed something new. Something spectacular. Something brilliant. Something incredible.

The Rachel Barbra Berry. The infamous Broadway star that used to go to school with the hazel eyed blonde.

Quinn crossed her legs warily, unable to tear her gaze from this unbelievably confident new Rachel. Suddenly, the brunette turned her gaze towards her ex-bully, and her doe brown eyes widened as well. Quinn opened her mouth to speak, but her old classmate was already approaching her.

"Quinn Fabray," Rachel greeted. To Quinn's surprise, Rachel didn't seem to hold much bitterness in her voice.

"Rachel Berry," Quinn cleared her throat, mimicking her greeting.

"So how have you been?" Rachel questioned, rubbing her suddenly sweaty palms.

She had a crush on the HBIC for all four of her high school years. Rachel hid it by dating Finn and occasionally Puck. She assumed that the feelings died down, but once she saw the blonde, butterflys erupted in her stomach.

"Rachel..." Quinn breathed, staring down at her hands. She suddenly felt guilty for all of those years of torment. "I totally understand if you're still angry at me. But I just want you to know that I'm really damn sorry for being a bitch back then. I don't want you to think I'm apologizing because you're famous now. I truly feel terrible, and nothing I do will be able to make up for-"

Quinn was cut off by the sound of Rachel's laughter. "Do you think I give a damn about high school? I've finally proven all those bullies wrong, and now I feel no resentment whatsoever. Besides, Quinn. I never hated you."

"You... didn't?" Quinn's eyebrows shot up in surprise and hope.

"No. In fact, I really really liked you." It was Rachel's turn to be embarrassed, so she stared down at her hands with a light blush creeping on her face.

When the brunette felt a hand on her shoulder, she looked up to see Quinn's warm gaze.

Suddenly, without much thought, the blonde leaned forward and pressed their lips together.

Something ignited between the two after that night. Something warm and fuzzy. Something affectionate and sweet. Something spectacular. Something brilliant. Something incredible. Something pleasantly surprising.

Something new.


Thank you tsbutterflys for the request, and I apologize if it's short. I wanted to get this request in because I told you it would be done shortly. If you enjoyed, please vote and comment! Happy reading!

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