Brittana: My Story

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Before I start, I just wanted to share what happened between me and my girlfriend before we made it official. Last year, she told me she was straight and had a boyfriend, but I couldn't keep a secret from her and admitted to being in love with her. We decided to remain close friends despite my feelings for her.

A few months ago, she got in a car accident and lost her memory. She and her boyfriend inevitably broke up, and the two of us got closer. I stayed as close to her as possible, and slowly she regained her memory.

This one-shot, in Brittana form because they're my OTP, is the events of what happened yesterday, June 15th, and how she and I finally talked about the unavoidable. This follows real events with fictional characters.

Brittany, Santana, and Quinn sat together in a circle, sharing stories from over the past few months.

"Brittany, oh my goodness," Santana laughed. "When you were in the hospital, there was a bear on campus. We weren't allowed to leave the building until it was safely taken away."

"Oh!" Quinn clapped. "Remember the hot air balloon that randomly landed in one of our parking spaces? The people inside just strolled right in. Britt, it was hilarious!"

"Or when we complained to Mr. Schue that we didn't need to learn that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. So we demanded he teach us how to change a tire," Santana added in, adjusting her glasses. "It would've been way more fun with you, though, Britt."

Brittany grinned at the two girls' excitement. "I'm so glad summer is here, though. Now no one's gonna stare at me like I might break."

"Hey," Santana rubbed the blonde's knuckles. "you know I wouldn't let them."

The gorgeous blue-eyed teen grinned widely. "Of course."

Quinn looked between the two before standing up abruptly. "I suddenly have to pee," she announced before marching off without another word.

Santana and Brittany looked at each other awkwardly before Santana realized her hand was still on the blonde's. She was going to remove it, but the other girl caught the Latina's hand and held it a bit longer, scooting closer.

Santana gulped, looking anywhere but Brittany's eyes. She knew that if she looked directly at her, she'd melt completely.

"I never really asked you..." Brittany started. "But how did you feel when I was, you know, unconscious?"

Santana opened her mouth, unsure of how to respond. She decided to go with the truth. "I felt like a depressed piece of shit. It felt even worse when you'd look at me and try so hard to remember but failing. And..." Santana choked. "When you remembered Sam was your boyfriend, I wanted to get away from it all. It totally shocked me that you two broke up."

"Actually, before the crash, I was gonna go talk to him to dump him. I heard he's got feelings for Mercedes," Brittany laughed, unaffected. "Sam and I are still friends, but we'll be nothing more."

Brittany leaned closer, and when Santana's brown eyes met blue, she couldn't tear her gaze away.

"Can I...?" Brittany asked breathily, and Santana could've swore the temperature in the room spiked.

Her breath hitched, her heart thumping a mile per minute. "I've never..." Santana's voice died down before continuing. "I don't know..." she didn't know how to speak. She was completely enamoured by Brittany.

To show her consent, Santana leaned forward slightly. Brittany took her free hand to brush Santana's cheek before softly joining their lips.

Santana felt like she was imploding. Her eyes shut at the intimacy, allowing Brittany to take the lead. Santana's grip on Brittany's hand tightened as she leaned forward more. Her stomach was flipping like crazy, the kiss becoming heavier.

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