Dantana: Breakup

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"You need to be having a life! You need to be out in the world, going to restaurants, and concerts, and... dating," Santana suggested the last one quietly. She hadn't meant to make the word "dating" slip out of her mouth, but she was grateful that she had. Brittany was still her best friend, and even though Santana was dating Dani, she still loved her ex.

Brittany glanced at her, licking her lips thoughtfully before leaning over and passionately capturing Santana's lips with her own.

The first thought Santana had was "perfection." This is what was missing in her life for the past year; having the love of her life kiss her. Brittany cradled Santana's face with her hand, and Santana immediately returned the kiss.

Then she remembered that this girl was not her current girlfriend.

No, her girlfriend was waiting for her in New York, remaining loyal to her. Yet, this feeling she had with Brittany was so perfect. She and Brittany were just right, and Dani would never make Santana feel that way.

She pulled back reluctantly as Brittany continued to attempt to deepen the kiss. Brittany backed up slightly as Santana sighed, "It's- It's a bad idea."

The two remained silent, the absence of sound beginning to become awkward. Brittany cleared her throat, "It feels really good to be around you, Santana. You make me feel like a girl again. Like, my body wakes up."

Santana looked away. She felt it, too, but she had to keep this from escalating. It would only lead to more heartbreak. "Please don't do this, okay? I've worked my ass off to get over you."

Brittany suddenly stood up, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I really wanna be with you, Santana. I've seen the world, and I know now, more than ever, that I belong with you."

Santana could only stare up at her quietly as the blonde continued, almost in amusement, "And I'm sure your girlfriend's... great. But you can't recreate what you and I have."

Brittany leaned down again, her hands on either side of the arms of Santana's chair. Santana looked down as Brittany spoke, "It's your choice." Brittany kissed Santana on the cheek, mumbling against her skin. "If you want me, I'm here."

Santana could only watch with mixed emotions as Brittany walked away.

How could Santana allow things to go so far? Her stomach flip-flopped whenever she saw Brittany, but this time, Santana was in a committed relationship with someone else.

That someone else was currently silent on the other side of the line.

"Hello? Santana? Why did you call me? Is something wrong?" Dani questioned worriedly, only increasing Santana's guilt. However, she didn't regret the moment she had with Brittany.

"Uh, s-sorry, Dani. Um, look, I need to tell you something important," Santana let out a shaky breath.

"You can't wait until you're back in New York? I've been missing my girlfriend and her sweet lady kisses."

Santana cringed at the way Dani said it. Only Brittany could say it like that, and Dani would never be Brittany.

"I-I am really sorry, Dani. It's just, now that I'm back in Lima, uh... with the glee club reunited, um, well, you see, I-"

"Just spit it out, Santana!" Dani rushed. "You're so cute when you're flustered."

"I'm sorry, Dani, but I saw Brittany," Santana blurted. "And she kissed me."

It was dead silent for a few ling moments, and Santana inhaled deeply.

"Did you kiss her back?" She finally asked.

"At first, I did, but I pulled away. I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a cheater," Santana said.

"So we don't have anything to worry about," Dani finalized. "I love you, and you love me, right?"

"I've never said 'I love you' because I don't, Dani. I don't think your getting my message," Santana breathed deeply again.

"What's the message then, Santana? You're really beating around the bush, and I just want you to tell me what you want to say," Dani sighed, as if she already knew what was going to happen.

"Kissing Brittany was the most... perfect experience I've had. It made me think a lot, and I'm still in love with her."

Santana held her breath as she awaited her girlfriend's response. "Are you happy with her?"

"Yes," She answered truthfully.

"Then I guess that's that. I knew what I was getting into when I started dating a girl that was still in love with her ex. I may be your rebound, but I really enjoyed our time together."

Santana exhaled with relief. There were no tears and screaming, so she'd refer to that as a mutual breakup. "I enjoyed our time together, too. I really do think you're an amazing girl, Dani. But you're not my amazing girl."

"Well, what're you waiting for? Go get your girl!"


I wouldn't have minded Dantana if I wasn't such a die-hard Brittana shipper. I hated how they didn't really highlight Dantana's breakup,  and they just kinda showed Brittana back together, so here's my interpretation on what happened in 5x12. Also, Demi Lovato was amazing on the show, and her duet with Naya, Here Comes the Sun, was beautiful.

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