Artina: Kiss Cam

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Tina didn't understand basketball.

In fact, she didn't understand any sports in general.

But for now, she was worrying about basketball because she was at a game.

She had gotten tickets, but she didn't want to go alone, so she decided to invite her coworker, Kevin, to come with her and explain everything. He was a huge basketball fan, and he seemed like a nice enough guy, so Tina thought, why not? Maybe she could finally get a good boyfriend out of this whole experience.

What she hadn't thought, though, was that Kevin would be talking on the phone the whole time, not even soaring a glance at his date. You know, the one that invited him?

"Kev, what's happening?" She nudged him hard in the ribs, and he just looked at her before talking animatedly about the game to his friend.

"I'm not gonna use team names because I know that'll just confuse you," a voice from her left interrupted her thoughts. "So there's the blue shirts and then there's the green shirts, right?"

She turned to see a kind looking guy explain to her what the game was about. Tina listened avidly as he spoke about the game, an excited glint in his eyes. She could tell that he had a love for basketball, despite him being in a wheelchair.

"Oh, excuse me," he suddenly interrupted his own ramble. "My name is Artie. Artie Abrams."

"Tina," she shook his hand. "Tina Cohen-Chang. And this annoying guy next to me is Kevin. I have no clue as to what I'm doing here, at this game, with this asshole that I invited who won't even pay attention to me."

"Well, I say he's a dickhead to ignore such a beautiful person," Artie clicked his tongue against his teeth.

Tina blushed at his words. She barely even met the guy and she liked him more than Kevin already.

"Ooh, the kiss cam is here! That's my favorite part," Artie announced proudly, and Tina chuckled at his statement.

They laughed as a flustered couple pecked each other, then aw'ed at an old couple that were giggling like little kids. Tina's heart stopped when she saw her face on the board.

She was expected to kiss someone.

Oh shit.

She turned to her date and attempted to pull him from his conversation on the phone, but he just ignored her.

Tina felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Artie with his eyebrows raised and a hopeful expression.

"Wouldn't want to disappoint the crowd now, would we?" She laughed before pulling him closer and kissing him gently. She laughed against his lips as the audience cheered them on.

"Tina? What the hell! You're on a date with me, not this loser crip," Kevin snapped furiously when they parted.

"I have no idea what I saw in you, Kevin," Tina shook her head. "I was foolish to think you're a good guy. And if we were on a date, I'd think that we would, you know, actually interact with me. Instead, you're on the phone with some dude named Biff, and you ignored me the whole time. Whatever tiny thing we had, Kevin, is over."

He looked at her in disbelief and anger, before he just huffed like a little kid and turned to his attention back to the game.

"That was badass," Artie complimented. "Can I get your number?"

The Asian smiled before nodding and giving him his number. What she didn't know, was that the two would end up together for a long time.


Another short one-shot that I've had stored up for a long time. And while I'm a dedicated Tike shipper, I will admit that I like Artina. They were pretty cute. If you enjoyed this other extremely short shot, then please vote and comment! Happy reading!

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