Warblers and New Directions (P2)

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Part 2 of drunken Warblers and New Directions. Everyone's hungover like hell other than Mike, Kurt, Sam, and David.

"We did it," The four non-hungover students brushed their hands as a feeling of accomplishment. "We have made the ultimate hangover drink."

Mercedes was the first person up, her hands on either side of her head. "My head is pounding. You geniuses that decided to stay sober better have made that-"

"Hangover drink?" Sam questioned, immediately rushing over to his girlfriend and pecking her lips several times.

"Yes," Mercedes sighed in relief. "Thank you. I love you so much right now."

"And what about every other time?" Sam chuckled.

"I like you, I guess," she teased before bringing him closer for a long kiss.

Trent and Quinn were the next ones up, both looking like death. "Never again," Trent shook his head. "Never ever ever getting drunk again."

"You say that now..." Quinn trailed off with the tiniest grin before she sat on the couch and rolled her head back.

Tina, Rachel, Blaine, and Puck all emerged from upstairs, all groaning in pain, each of them having their own complaints.

"Why didn't we sing last night?" Rachel whined.

"Sing? I can barely think right now," Tina pouted, almost flopping over on the couch next to Quinn.

"Did my hair go crazy yesterday?" Blaine asked his boyfriend.

"Yes, but you looked adorable as always," Kurt complimented, pressing his lips to Blaine's for a brief moment.

"I think someone tried to bash out my head and remove my brain," Puck stated, sitting on the ground right by Quinn's feet.

"You don't even have a brain," Jeff and Nick chirped at the same time as they approached them. "Good morning, everyone!"

"Good morning? Are we both living the same morning? How are you not hungover?" Mercedes asked.

"We don't get hungover," Jeff grinned smugly.

"Yeah, we're always hyper drunk anyway, so it's not much of a change," Nick added on. "Come on, Jeff! Let's go jump on Wes!"

"Even better, let's hide his gavel!" Jeff hopped excitedly before the two boys rushed away like two five-year-olds.

"I swear, they're a match made in heaven," David laughed heartily. "I should probably check in on my boyfriend."

"Match made in heaven?" Santana practically slid into the kitchen Holly Holliday style, an excited gleam in her eyes. "Are you talking about me and Britt?"

"No, he's actually talking about us-" Blaine gestured to himself and Kurt before Mike interrupted.

"Ahem, no. Tike for the win."

"What are you talking about?" Finn suddenly appeared from upstairs, helping Artie. "Finchel-"

"No, you mean Quick-"

"Uh, pardon me, it's Samcedes-"

"SUGAR!" And in all her glory, Sugar Motta came in from the front door, he arms outstretched above her head in excitement. "I'm here for the hungover afterparty because that's my favorite part!"

"There's our daughter!" Brittany grabbed Santana's hand in elation.

"For the last time, Britt," Santana rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Sugar is not our love child."

"I am, Mom!" Sugar bounced over, engulfing Santana into a hug.

"See, babe?" Brittany smiled brightly, and Santana could only sigh in defeat, which earned a kiss to her cheek.

"Uh, two things. Hello? Hungover people that feel like they're gonna die," Trent waved so the attention was on him. "And two, who the hell is that?" He pointed at Sugar.

"Me?" Sugar gasped as if she was honored to be addressed. "Well, handsome-"

"I'm gay-"

"You're too young to be thinking about boys!" Brittany gasped dramatically.

"I. Am-"

"Groot?" Wes finally made his way over. "Who the hell is she?" He pointed at Sugar.

"Who the hell is she?" David spoke and pointed at Sugar in unison with Wes. Wes smiled, bringing David closer to kiss him.

"As I was saying..." Sugar cleared her throat, not entirely fazed by the several interruptions. "I. Am. Sugar!"

"Wait up, everyone," Santana paused for a second. "If Sugar is our child, why is she our age? I mean, she dated Artie after Brittany dated Artie. That's just weird!"

"Please be quiet everyone!" Rachel suddenly spoke.

"Ugh, does Man-Hands want to give us a two-hour lecture? If so, I'm out," Santana said.

"Be nice," Brittany scolded, swatting Santana lightly.

"Sorry," Santana mumbled, burying her face in Brittany's hair.

"No, I don't want to speak for once. You're all talking too loudly, and I think my head's going to burst!"

Everyone remained silent, going by as Mike, David, Sam, and Kurt passed the hangover drinks to each person. They chugged them down quickly, each having their own disgusted reactions to it.

"You know what's good for hangovers?" Brittany suddenly spoke up quietly. "Sucking on popsicles. Hangovers are mainly caused by dehydration, and while water would be the obvious solution to that, popsicles last longer and they taste delicious. Win-win situation."

"Huh..." Everyone except Santana gaped in surprise. "Who knew you could be so smart?"

"My girlfriend's a genius, and anyone that says otherwise faces my alter ego, Snix. She has razorblades in her hair," Santana stated proudly, pulling the blonde down to kiss her gently.

"Niff has returned!" Jeff and Nick stumbled into the room, their fingers intertwined together. "Blaine, you've got a huge house!"

"Oh no..." Rachel groaned, her head in her hands.

Finn rubbed her back soothingly before helping her up. "I think I'm gonna bring her home. It was great last night. I hope to see you all soon, and we should do this again sometime! Are you gonna stay, Kurt?"

Kurt shook his head, snuggling closely to Blaine, "I think I'll stay."

"Yeah," Blaine rubbed Kurt's arm, kissing the side of his head. "I can drive him home later."

Wes suddenly panicked, frantically searching for his beloved gavel, Veronica. David sighed, muttering something about how he finally though Wes was going to pay attention to him.

"Oh, I still love you the most, David. But Veronica, she's my child," Wes pecked David on his lips before continuing the search.

Brittany and Santana practically vanished without a word of warning that they were leaving, so everyone eventually just upped and left.

The hangover medicine managed to kick-in later on, and everyone was able to enjoy the rest of their day.


Wooooh. That was fun. I love writing about drunk people and hungover people. It's so funny. Any specific requests for drunk people?

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