The 3 Warbler Couples

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Is that picture accurate? I just found it on Google lol. Also, a warning: there are a lotta timeskips

"It's so stupid!" Nick complained to Jeff. "It's obvious they're in love with each other!"

"Well, duh," The blonde agreed. He quirked up the side of his mouth in a smirk. "I think we should do something to get Wes and David together."


In another room, David slumped in his seat as Wes paced back and forth. "We should do something to get those eggheads together. They were practically made for each other," Wes sighed.

"Nick and Jeff are super clueless. You should know this by now," David rubbed Wes's back.

Wes swallowed dryly at the touch of the other boy's hand before leaning closer to it. He wasn't sure why he was yearning to be close to his best friend, but he did know that he enjoyed his company.

A lot.


"Alright, Nicky," Jeff ruffled the other Warbler's hair.

"Alright, Jeffy," Nick responded, cracking his knuckles.

"Let's do this," they spoke at the same time.

They both crouched in a closet as they watched Wes leave the room, running his fingers through his hair and his other hand holding up his phone. "David? Yeah, I'm coming."

Nick, being the genius he was, scribbled a note in David's handwriting before placing it under the sheet music that Wes had been reading before.

"David? Come on, answer me. What's wrong?" Wes gently asked the weeping boy on the other side of the line.

"Can you just come over? Please?" He begged, to which Wes answered with a concerned "okay."

Jeff listened in worry, his eyebrows creased. "Nick," he hissed, absent-mindedly taking his hand. "I don't think we should make a fake note."

Nick glanced down at their joined hands, his stomach fluttering. "Why not?" He ignored the feeling that Jeff gave him.

"They're getting to that point themselves. I love my OTP," the blonde sighed dreamily, resting his head on Nick's shoulder. He couldn't help but want to be as close to him all the time.

"My OTP's not Wevid," Nick admitted quietly. Jeff gasped dramatically, lifting his head off of Nick's shoulder to stare at him incredulously. "It's Niff."


"David?" Wes knocked for on his best friend's door for the third time. "I'm worried. Please open up."

With tear-stained cheeks, David pulled the door opened and engulfed Wes in a warm hug.

"Wes, it's Kurt," David gulped. "He got in an accident. I couldn't go to the hospital because you know I don't have my licence."

"David, hey, it's gonna be okay," Wes pressed his lips to the side of his head. "I'll give you ride."

At the hospital, Blaine sat by Kurt, holding his right hand and smoothing his hair. His tears had dried, the only indication of sadness were his shoulder shaking slightly from his silent sobbing.

Kurt looked... well, he looked like shit.

Scars ran up his arms. Cuts and gashes marked his face and neck. There were bruises evident all along the left side of his jaw.

"Damn," Jeff whispered behind them, pressing his back to Nick's front as a source of comfort. "He's going to be okay, right?"

"Kurt's the strongest person I know," Blaine finally spoke, his voice croaky and his eyes watery. "He'll most likely be fine."

"I hope so," David sniffed.

Suddenly, Kurt let out the tiniest of chuckles. "Look at us. We're all so gay."


If you've seen my bio, you'd know I'm on a writing break. Howeverrrr I decided to give y'all a little treat in the form of a one-shot. Just because my life's not going to well, doesn't mean I should make everyone else depressed lmao

Anyway, if you enjoyed, please comment and vote! Happy reading!

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