Klaine: Announcement

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All of the glee club alumni from both McKinley and Dalton gathered in Rachel's basement; everyone drunk excluding Mercedes, Wes, Quinn, Nick, Unique, Jake, and Artie.

Finn and Rachel were doing what they would do every other time they were drunk. Suggest playing a party game as if they were still in high school. The ex-Warblers, including Kurt and Blaine, were all in a circle, recounting their most embarrassing stories together. Mercedes and Quinn were taking care of their overly intoxicated husbands, Sam and Puck. Everyone else was either being bitch slapped by a weepy Santana because they were staring at Brittany as she stripped, or they were engrossed in a game of Never Have I Ever.

"Ooh, here's an embarrassing story about Blaine!" Kurt snickered, almost passed out from drinking too much. "We were taking care of Brittany's cat, Lord Tubbington-"

"Lord Tubbington!" Brittany shrieked. "He'll strip with me! Where is he, Kurti-" Santana cut her off by pressing their lips together.

"No! The last time I had to watch that cat strip, I couldn't eat ice cream for six months." When she received confused looks, she rolled her eyes and added, "Don't ask."

"Anyway, while Santana and Brittany were on their honeymoon, doing god knows what," Kurt started, but soon got cut off again when Puck hooted.

"Girl on girl sex!" He shouted, and all the drunk, straight guys raised their cups in agreement.

"Shut up, you pervs," Santana frowned.

"Yeah, we went to see the gay sharks," Brittany chipped in. "Then we had some sweet lady kisses and wanky times for, like, the rest of the week."

"Britt, they don't need to know that," Santana laughed, kissing her wife's forehead. In all of a sudden, she began crying. "Why would you tell them that? On-only we're su-supposed to know! And you're just going 'round announcing it?"

"Here we go," Mercedes muttered, patting Santana's back in comfort.

Kurt shook his head, wobbling slightly. "Anywaysss, so Tubbs and I are the bestest bestest besties in the whoooooole worrrrrrld," he began slurring. "But Blainey and Tubbs are enemies. Blainey was convinced Tubby took his bowtie, when really Lord Tubbington was sleeping. Then when we took a naaaaap - I wants to takes a naaaap - on theeeeeee couch, the cat. Blainey's what's the cat's name again?"

He turned to him, but the curly-haired man was fast asleep, his head on Kurt's lap, drool coming out of his mouth.

"He's drooling on my clothes! Yucky mucky!" Kurt pouted, but continued the story. "Soooooo, the cat whose name I can't seem to remember snuggled in between us on the couch and then, wait for the biggest thing ever. He pooped on Blainey's bowtie!"

A gasp ran through the room.

"I know! I said the same thing!" Kurt giggled. Everyone waited for him to stop, but he just seemed to continue without showing any signs of stopping.

"Um, and then something really big happened. I forget. It was sooooo important. I-I... what was it?" The brunette scratched his hair. "Um, um, ummmm."

"I proposed and he said yes!" Blaine shot up from his sleep and announced, before cuddling back into Kurt's lap and passing out again.

"Oh yeah!" Kurt snapped his fingers. "Blainey said something like, 'I would suffer my bowties to make you happy. That's why I think we should get married. I've never felt anything like this for anyone else.' And it was sooooo romantic. I think I cried. Like Santananananana drunk crying."

"Y-You're so mean, you strangely adorable gay kitten!" Santana sobbed, and Mercedes snickered as she took a video. She was definitely going to use this for blackmail later on.

"So yeah. Blainey and I are gonna gets married, and you're all invited to the wedding!"


Ughhhh either I have a bunch of ideas but I can't write, or none at all but I'm in the mood to write, and it's so annoyinggggggg

Ughhhh either I have a bunch of ideas but I can't write, or none at all but I'm in the mood to write, and it's so annoyinggggggg

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I've been using gifs a lot lately and idek why

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I've been using gifs a lot lately and idek why. Anyways, this was kind of a prompt requested by nerdgirl0416 so, here you go lol. If you enjoyed, please vote and comment! Happy reading!

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