~Chapter 22 & 23 In Kei's Eyes~

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I bet she'll love them all, especially the guy she's going to be with throughout the whole time. The guy by the name of Takishima Kei. And maybe she'd try put all the rivalry behind.

"It's quite hot, isn't it?" Hikari comments once we took every piece of luggage out. All of us are in shades, staring at the villa in front. Being the professional person I am, I ring the doorbell.

Then, a woman opens the door. I assume she's the lady we were talking to. She's in a business suit, and I know she's definitely a professional.

"Hello, Mis-" I began speaking English, just like how I've been scanning all those books on the language.

"Alice Maisy," she smiles, but there's not much meaning to it. It's those kind of professional smiles where they do out of respect. "So you're those Korean teenagers that called for lodging."

Korean? Oh well, some people do find it hard to distinguish Japanese and Korean just by their English voice. I can do that, but not so well. I'm not telling anyone that, not even Hikari, who believes I excel in everything. And I do excel in everything, almost everything. Hikari and Akira look like they're about to pounce. I feel the same, but I choose to stay calm and collected. I cannot and refuse to make this woman think lightly of us. Especially thinking lightly on Hikari's behaviour.

I smile back, "Yes, ma'am. We're the Japanese teenagers that called."

She nods, understanding who we are. She seems unfazed by her mistake, and I believe she is trying to convince herself she didn't make a mistake. I believe she doesn't really interact with Japanese and Koreans enough to tell the difference.

Tadashi steps up the front and examines the house beyond Alice Maisy's shoulder, she glares at him, but the awestruck guy doesn't seem to notice. Well, this is a first for Tadashi, I guess. Then, I went back to glaring at him.

"So this is all free? I still don't believe it when you say that you're not charging us at all!" he says, waving towards the well-decorated house. It had vintage items, homey looking couches that were in beige and light brown, and there's even a vintage fireplace. I realise I'm peeking too, but Alice Maisy simply smirks at us. I don't like that smirk.

"I did?" she raises an eyebrow, the smirk still present on her face. "I will keep to my word and not charge you. This isn't my house anyways. I live in a apartment, not this villa."

She...what! Is she trying to scam us? I can't let Hikari go around with her luggage, homeless for the entire summer! We're supposed to enjoy, not this.

"I'm sorry, what?" Akira asks, holding Tadashi by the ear. At least she's blaming him. Can't let her make my sweet Hikari hate me.

"You don't pay me. You pay my niece, or her friends."

"Oh great," Akira mutters under her breath in Japanese. "We have to deal with some rich snob that's probably going to charge us everyday by the millions."

I can't help but agree, and even if we have rich families and stuff, I'd rather not spend so much on lodging. I'd rather spend more on making Hikari have the best summer ever.

Where's a hotel or motel when we need one? Completely booked.

Alice Maisy leads us into the house, and we're all silent, except the clicking of her heels. I try to help Hikari with one of her bags, but she's refusing my offer. Frowning, I try not to get the "rejection" into my head. Not that I don't have faith in her carrying the baggage, I just want her to be open about other's helping. I want her to rely a little on me, not just do everything like that. I'm no different, but I'm still trying to change.

For That Special One (Special A Fanfiction) #Wattys2014Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu