An affair .1. *smut*

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Requested by OffendyBabyGirl1

She stumbled into the club on a whim. She desperately needed a drink or ten. And she knew damn well who this club belonged to but she strongly believed that the owner of the Grin & Bare It nightclub, one of the most exclusive clubs in all of Gotham, was anywhere but here.

Why would he be here?

Looking around, Y/n found herself amidst half-dressed women who were either drinking, conversing far too loudly, or being felt up by strangers on the dance floor.

In short, this wasn't her scene. But right now, she didn't care. Her sense of helplessness and anxiety had brought her here. She just needed some loud music and a few shots of her favorite alcoholic beverage to calm her nerves. Just enough so she could stumble back out of here.

Meanwhile, as she sat alone at the bar downing shot after shot, a set of predatory eyes watched her every move. His eyes studied her body, her hair, her mannerisms, her demeanor.

He practically had to pinch himself to believe that she would even dare walk through this part of town, much less get intoxicated in his own club.

"Frost." He growled, not tearing his eyes away from the woman. He nodded his head, letting his top henchman know exactly what needed to be done.

The Joker grinned as he watched his reliable number 2 (barely) approach the woman, whose movements were much slower and less tactful.

"Hey pretty lady," Frost spoke suavely as he leaned over the counter.

Y/n just waved him off. "I'm engaged." She rolled her eyes as she downed another shot.

Frost looked over to the counter before her.

"Don't you think you've had enough? There are 5 shotglasses here." Frost said as he studied the now completely intoxicated woman.

"Yeah? Well the bartender just took the other 5 glasses to the back for off, stranger, I could handle myself," Y/n spoke, getting more and more annoyed.

"Hey look, I got someone in here who wants to say hi, you think I can get you to come over?" Frost asked politely, not wanting to touch her forcefully. He knew damn well who this woman was and the asset involved.

"Listen, buddy...." Y/n slurred as she tapped her index finger on Frost's chest. "I told ya i'm engaged...and i told ya to buzz off!" She spit down onto his shoe, making him take a step back and putting his arms up in surrender.

"Now now, Frosty boy, we don't want to make our guests uncomfortable. Was he bothering you, madam?" The Joker's voice spoke politely from behind them, making y/n jump in surprise. She had a hard time focusing on his face but she knew enough about him and recognized his sultry voice.

"Get away!" She slurred as she pulled away sharply from Joker offering a helping hand.
He knew she was wasted and yet his patience wore thin. His eyes grew dark and he nodded at Frost. Within seconds, Frost walked behind her and injected her neck with something. She felt herself losing her balance and consciousness.
Before she could hit the floor, Frost caught her quickly and hoisted her over his shoulder.

Without a word, he followed his boss to the hallway, away from the bar, successfully without anyone noticing, since everyone was too drunk and consumed in their good times. Once they reached his office, the joker watched Frost gently lay her on the large couch.
Her hair was draped over her face, and as soon as Frost left, the joker wasted no time pushing her strands away. He watched her peaceful slumber.

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