thirty one, divorced, beheaded, survived

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thirty one"shadows of the lost like mirrors"

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thirty one
"shadows of the lost like mirrors"

Lusine had been sat in the same place for almost two hours writing and rewriting the same letter to the same Midgardian, but still found herself unable to be satisfied by her words. Nothing sounded right. There wasn't a single word upon the page she felt was adequate and suitable to be sent away as an informant of her recent tragedies.

"I think you've spent long enough on that letter to call it a novel at this point," Olea joked as she peered at her cousin from over the top of her book she'd perched on her thighs, knees pulled up. "Who could possibly be this important that they deserve this lengthy letter?"

Lusine brushed her fingers over the dried ink and met her eyes with a softness Olea had never witnessed prior to that bitter noon. That look made her skin glow and flood with a brightness unheard of.

"His name is Steve Rogers," Lusine said, admired the taste of his name upon her tongue. "He is of Midgard."

Olea closed the book. "So, he's the reason you believe Midgard will welcome you?" She questioned as she drew her conclusions from the gentle tone of the brutalised woman hunched over the glass table.

"He is the reason I wish to go to Midgard. If not for him, I would perhaps venture elsewhere. Vanaheim, Alfheim, perhaps even would have confined myself to Hel. It was on Midgard where I was, for the first time in my life, accepted as a hero of the tale, not the villain to bring down," She explained, knew every word she spoke to be as true as the night was black.

Olea traced a finger over the embellished rose upon the front of the book and smiled sweetly. "Then," she said, "I do wish for the day to come where you can introduce me to those people who were there for you when no one else was. I should thank them for that."

"I would very much like that," Lusine replied genuinely.

Her love of the cousin she had always seen as the weak branch of the family tree grew more and more each day as she came to realise that strength did not just come in how well someone could swing a sword. Olea was one of the strongest people she knew and, at the same time, was one of the few she knew who had never lifted a finger against another living being.

"Although," she added, "there are probably a few I would rather you did not meet."

Olea frowned quizzically. "How so? I thought these people were the ones you trusted?"

"As with every realm, there are the good and there are the bad. One of the bad ones just seems to have slipped through the cracks." Lusine shrugged her shoulders and turned to continue the little she had written on her tenth edition of the same letter.

The nib had barely touched the page before the rumbling, crashing noise erupted through the halls. When Lusine glanced up in annoyance, it quickly faded to horror as the sight of the ships rushing in came into view.

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