twenty one, humiliation

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twenty one"off you go into the cruel, cruel world"

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twenty one
"off you go into the cruel, cruel world"

The next morning, Casia Radcliffe awoke in her room and pinched herself only to discover that this wasn't a wild dream. Nor was it a figment of her imagination induced by whatever pain killers Doctor Greer had her on. She was not in the dreamworld as she lay in the hospital bed, still broken from her beating.

This was reality and she was living it.

Living in another realm to be taught how to control the wildfire that raged within, that licked at her bones and burnt her foundations to the ground. Leaving her with nothing left but a shell to rebuild from.

To figure out who she was supposed to be in the world.

There wasn't a second that ticked by where she wasn't acutely aware of that flicker within. A flicker that could enrage and contort into something much greater. Become a weapon of mass destruction to burn this beautiful place to nothing but dust, ruin and bones at her feet.

Oh and the fire would enjoy that very much.

In fact, it would revel in every second it. The pain, the anguish, the agony. All of it would feed the flames as if it were pure oxygen, the god's nectar to its wrath. Gasoline to the bonfire: dangerous but beautiful in every inch it climbed into the sky, flames dancing as they consumed anything and everything in its path, indiscriminate.

The stuff of nightmares, but enrapturing without a doubt.

Casia rolled out of bed and scrubbed her face clean with cold water, hoping to dull the heat in her cheeks.

Would it be a crime to clamber back into bed and lounge away the day between the sheets? Consuming grapes and reading Asgardian literature?

But Casia knew what she wanted today. She wanted to begin her training whether Lusine would help her or not. Done waiting around for whatever flagons Lusine had to empty into her bottomless gullet, Casia would either control her powers or burn the place down. No more twiddling her thumbs.

As she jammed her body into the dress, not liking the new change in wardrobe in the slightest, Casia grumbled to herself all about how she should not have kept letting Thor pour her more wine. But he was enjoying himself and so was she. So, maybe the headache was worth seeing his grin directed right at her, but that didn't make the will to curl up and die any less.

Oh, and the humiliation of stumbling when she tried to stand was yet another thing to curse as she stuffed her hair into a pony tail.

Thor had kindly helped her back to her room, taking great amusement in her uselessness as he piled her into bed and told her to sleep well, to which she'd gestured obscenely and fallen into slumber.

With every step of her march to Lusine's room, her brain shook in her skull, but it felt like the crashing of tectonic plates when she knocked upon the door.

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