The Benders- Part 2

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You looked over at Jenkins to see him devouring his food. Your mind immediately thought of serial killers because that is what people do when they aren't monsters. They become serial killers. Oh, God, were you going to die?

"How often do they feed you?" You wondered, looking at him.

"Once a day. And they use that thing over there to open the cage." Alvin said, pointing to the panel with the buttons.

"And that's the only time you see them?" You asked.

"Yeah. What do you think they want?" You looked around the cage and saw a metal wire hanging above your cage. You got on your feet and reached up, grasping the wire barely before getting it in your hand. Even though you may look like a helpless woman, you had packed some serious muscle and you were very strong. You gave credit to the Winchester boys but still; you were no damsel in distress.

"Depends on who they are." You grunted as you answered Alvin's question. You grunted out when you tried to pull the metal wire. Your motto was, if it doesn't budge, force it. You broke a lot of things living by that motto but in this case, you needed to break things.

"They're a bunch of psycho hillbilly rednecks, if you ask me. Looking for love in all the wrong places." Alvin said, watching you try to pull the wire. You could feel it slowly start to detach from the pole but you kept pulling.


It's been a less than an hour and your arms were starting to get sore. The metal wire was still attached. This thing was a bitch to get. But you wouldn't give up. Hunters don't give up.

"What's your name again?" Alvin asked.

"Y/N." You grunted, trying to pull at the thing as hard as you could.

"Why don't you give it up, sweetheart? There is no way out. Plus, you don't look like you could do that." Alvin said with a smile.

"Don't call me sweetheart!" You growled out. You closed your eyes and concentrated really hard, pushing all of your energy on getting this thing unattached. You felt a power building up inside you and once it was full, you let it project out in front of you. The burst of energy somehow broke the cable or made it really easy to pull.

You gave one last tug on the wire and he came loose, sending you to the floor of the cage. You groaned, hearing something fell but you were trying to catch your breath. You would be sore for the next few days, you knew it.

"Never doubt a woman, Alvin." You said, getting up, placing a hand on your lower back. Forcing the pain away, you picked up the object that was dropped.

"What is it?' You frowned as you looked at the object.

"It's a bracket." You said.

"Well, thank God, a bracket. Now we've got them, huh?" He said sarcastically.

"You know, you're getting on my nerves. You watch your tone with me. I am not someone you want to mess with." You glared at him. He was about to say something else when his cage unlocked itself and opened.

"Maybe you knocked something loose." Alvin smiled.

"I think you shouldn't leave, Alvin. This isn't right." You said, thoughts swarming your head.

"Don't you wanna get out of here?"

"Yeah, but that was too easy. It might be a trap."

"Look, I'm going to get out of here, and I'm going to send help, okay, don't worry," Alvin said, exiting his cage.

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