Route 666- Part 3

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After what you said to her, she was more distant with you and the boys. You wished she would go away but that was short lived when she called Dean, scared out of her mind about a truck outside of her house. So, you and the Winchesters rushed over to her pace to see what was going on. You walked inside and she tensed when she saw you. Apparently, she wasn't over about what you said to her.

Dean immediately rushed to her side and sat next to her, putting an arm around her.

"You didn't see who was driving the truck?" Sam asked.

"It seemed to be no one. Everything was moving so fast and then it was just gone. Why didn't it kill us?" Cassie asked, looking over at her mom who was seated beside her.

"Whoever was controlling the truck wants you afraid first," Dean said.

"Mrs. Robinson, Cassie said that your husband saw the truck before he died." You said, ignoring the way Dean was holding Cassie.

"Martin was under a lot of stress. You can't be sure about what he was seeing." Cassie's mom shrugged. She was hiding something.

"Well after tonight I think we can be reasonably sure he was seeing a truck. What happened tonight means you and Cassie are marked. Ok? Your daughter could die. So, if you know something now would be a really good time to tell us about it." Dean said, looking at her mom.

"Fine, yes. Yes, he said he saw a truck." The woman sighed.

"Did he know who it belonged to?" Sam asked.

"He thought he did." She slumped her shoulders.

"Who was that?" You asked her.

"Cyrus. A man named Cyrus." She said, getting up from her seat. You saw the brothers look at one another and Dean pulled out a newspaper clipping of a man. He showed it to Mrs. Robinson, looking up at her.

"Is this Cyrus?" Dean asked.

"Cyrus Dorian died more than 40 years ago." She said.

"How do you know he died, Mrs. Robinson? The paper said he went missing. How do you know he died?" Sam asked in a soft voice.

"We were all very young. I dated Cyrus a while, I was also seeing Martin... in secret of course. Inter-racial couples didn't go over too well back then. When I broke it off with Cyrus and when he found out about Martin, I don't know, he, changed. His hatred was frightening. There were rumors of people of color disappearing into some kind of a truck. Nothing was ever done. Martin and a... Martin and I, we were going to be, uh, married in that little church near here, but last minute we decided to elope as we didn't want the attention." Mrs. Robinson started crying now and you couldn't help but feel bad for her.

"The day we set for the wedding, was the day someone set fire to the church. There was a children's choir practicing in there. They all died." She continued.

"Did the attacks stop after that?" You asked.

"No! There was one more. One night that truck came for Martin. Cyrus beat him something terrible. But Martin got loose. And he started hitting Cyrus and he just kept hitting him and hitting him." She cried.

"Why didn't you call the cops?" Dean wondered.

"This was forty years ago. He called on his friends, Clayton Soames and Jimmy Anderson, and they put Cyrus' body into the truck and they rolled it into the swamp at the end of his land and all three of them kept that secret all of these years."

"And now all three are gone." You said, sighing.

"And so is Mayor Todd. Now he said that you of all people would know he is not a racist. Why would he say that?" Dean asked.

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