Skin- Part 1

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As much as you didn't want to admit it, you knew that your mother was going to die. It only happened a couple of days before she actually died. You got nightmares of it happening but you dismissed them as only nightmares and thought nothing of it. Every person got nightmares. You also got flashes of the events happening when you were awake but you thought if you told your mom, she would think you're crazy and have mean people take you away. Then your nightmares became a reality and you never forgave yourself since.

Your mother died because of you.

You wanted to talk about it. You wanted to tell Dean this but he wouldn't understand. He kept asking you days after that hunt but you wouldn't tell him. Eventually, he gave up and left you alone but you could tell it hurt him. You and Dean always told each other everything when you were growing up. You thought about telling Sam since he would be the likely brother to understand how you were feeling. You never really got a chance to do so until Dean stopped for gas. It left you and Sam a bit of alone time to talk things through.

"Sam?" You looked at him and bit your lip.

"Yeah?" He was looking at his Palm Pilot, reading his emails from God knows who. You bit your lip and needed his full attention.

"I need to tell you something and I need you to understand. You might understand way better than Dean." You sighed softly.

"Yeah, go ahead, I'm listening." Sam still wouldn't look up.

"Sam put the damn thing down and listen to me because I'm freaking out." You said in a panicky voice. His head snapped up and looked at you apologetically.

"I'm sorry, what's going on?"

"You want to know what my reflection said on the last hunt?"

"If you want to tell me, sure."

"My secret is that I knew my mom would die. I don't know what it was but I had these visions or nightmares of it happening. But I blew it off because I was 8 and I didn't know that it would come true." You looked away from him, fearing he would judge you.

"The same thing happened to me but with Jessica." He said quietly.

"What?" You looked at him.

"I had nightmares a couple of days before she died of the same thing happening to her. But I didn't do anything about it."

"But I didn't know that would happen and now my mom's dead because of me." You got tears and let them fall but Sam was quick to wipe them away.

"No, hey it wasn't your fault. Like you said, you were 8 years old and how were you supposed to know it was going to happen? You were a kid." You looked at him and sniffled.

"I wish she was here." She sighed sadly.

"I know, I do too," You knew he was talking about Jessica. He didn't really know your mom and he barely met her. "I would tell Dean, though. He thinks you hate him or something. Maybe feels left out."

"Maybe I will, I don't know how he will take it though. Maybe you should tell him too. It'll fix things between you and build more trust." You sighed, wiping the rest of the tears away.

"Maybe, I don't know." He went back to looking at his Palm Pilot when Dean came out of the store. He put the things he bought in the backseat and started to fill up his car.

"Alright, I figure we'd hit Tucumcari by lunch, then head south, hit Bisbee by midnight," Dean said but when he didn't hear a response from either of you, he looked to see Sam on his device. "Sam wears women underwear."

"I'm listening, I'm just busy."

"Busy doing what?"

"Reading e-mails."

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