Phantom Traveler- Part 2

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"Hi, we're here to see Max Jaffey. We have some questions for him." You held up your badge and the woman sitting behind the desk smiled and nodded.

"Right, follow me and I will lead you to him." You and the Winchesters followed her through some doors and made some turns but finally stopped when coming to a glass sliding door, facing a garden where you saw about a dozen patients hanging out.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." Sam smiled at the woman.

"No problem." You opened the door and walked outside, immediately zeroing in on Max. He was walking with a cane.

"Mr. Jaffey?" You asked as you walked closer to him. You caught his attention and he looked at you then back at Sam and Dean who were unusually quiet. "We're with Homeland Security and we would like to ask you a few questions about Flight 2485."

"I don't understand. I already spoke with Homeland Security." He said confused.

"Right, some new information has come up. So, if you could just answer a couple questions..." Dean asked. With a nod from Max, Sam spoke up.

"Just before the plane went down, did you notice anything... unusual?"

"Like what?" You knew he knew something but it was your job to figure it out.

"Strange lights, weird noises, maybe, voices," Dean said.

"No, nothing." You knew that was a lie because he checked himself in here for a reason.

"Mr. Jaffey, you check yourself in here, correct?" You asked him. Max nodded but looked a little nervous. "May I ask why?"

"I was a little stressed; I survived a plane crash." Max shrugged.

"Uh huh, and that's what terrified you? That's what you were afraid of?" Dean leaned in a bit.

"I... I don't want to talk about this anymore." Max was getting nervous and when people got nervous, they hid things.

"Mr. Jaffey, please. The other people may not have believed you but that doesn't mean we will. I promise that whatever you tell us, we won't think you're crazy." You said in a soft voice. You didn't want to intimidate him.

"There was... this—man and, uh, he had these... eyes—these, uh... black eyes and I saw him—or I thought I saw him..." Max stuttered and tried to piece the puzzle in his brain.

"What?" Dean asked.

"He opened the emergency exit. But that's... that's impossible, right? I mean, I looked it up. There's something like two tons of pressure on that door." You furrowed your brows together and looked at Sam who looked at Dean.

"This man, uh, did he seem to appear and disappear rapidly? It would look something like a mirage?" Sam asked Max carefully.

"What are you, nuts?" Max scoffed. You rolled your eyes softly and looked away. "He was a passenger. He was sitting right in front of me." You nodded and looked at Dean.

"Well, I appreciate you taking the time to talk to us but I think it's time to go." You knew that if the conversation went on, nothing good would come out of it; just wasted time and you needed that time for other people.

"Sure, no problem," Max said, watching the three of you walk away. With a smile, you passed by the woman at the front desk and outside where the guards were. You gave them a polite smile and got into the Impala, Sam, and Dean fresh on your tail.

"Okay, next person?" Dean sighed.

"George Phelps, well his wife. His house was the next town over near Copy Jack." You said from the backseat. Dean nodded, staring his beloved car and driving off to where he thought you meant. He thought correctly because the address he pulled up as was the address on your paper.

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