Phantom Traveler- Part 1

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The hardest part of hunting was the fact that you couldn't save everyone. People die and sometimes, there is nothing you could do. Like Roy, for example. That Wendigo really snatched him up. There was nothing you could do to save him. Or Jake, Lucas' grandfather. There was nothing you could do to save him.

No matter what the hunt was, there were always going to be causalities and you had to be okay with that.

Except, you weren't.

You didn't get nightmares often but when you did, they were always about the people you couldn't save. That caused you to sleep less and less. Like now, for example. Sam was already up and out, getting you and Dean coffee. But you, on the other hand, was watching Dean sleep.

Yes, one might call that being a creep but Dean looked so peaceful. It was dark in the motel room but you could still see the dance of freckles on his face, well, half of a face. He was lying on his stomach which meant it gave you full access to his thighs and ass.

The covers managed to fly off him during the night and he was only wearing his boxers. It fit him so snug, you wondered what the front of him looked like. Oh, well, the ass will do just fine for now. You will tell Dean how you feel some other time but for right now, you were content with just staring at him.

Your head snapped to the door when you heard a key jungle in the lock. You knew Sam was out but you were on full alert. The way the motel was, it had a screen in front of the door so if you were behind it and someone came in, all you could see was a shadow and a large frame entered the room.

You hoped that this was Sam and that he wasn't making too much noise to wake Dean up. Dean was a light sleeper, thanks to being a Hunter. It sharpened your senses and gave you a superhero feeling. Sam walked around the corner of the screen, coffee in hand.

"You're just going to stare at him all morning?" You rolled your eye and grabbed the coffee for you.

"It's not my fault your brother is gorgeous." You sipped, moaning at how good it tasted.

"So why don't you just tell him?"

"No way, I can't risk what we have. I've known you guys since I was 5 and I've seen how he just goes through women like they're pieces of gum. When they lose their taste, you get a new one. I can't be that girl to him. He means too much to me; you mean too much to me." You took another sip, looking at Dean. He groaned when he heard you talking and sat up a little, still not fully awake.

"Morning, sunshine," Sam said with a chuckle.

"What time is it?" He grumbled. He was so cute in the mornings with his rustled-up hair and deep morning voice.

"About 5:45," Sam replied.

"In the morning?" Dean sighed.


"Where does the day go?" Dean sat up, grabbing the coffee that Sam got for him. "Morning sweetheart." You blushed and waved at him, coffee cup at your lips.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" Dean asked his brother. Sam did look a little tired and you wondered the same thing.

"Yeah, I grabbed a couple of hours."

"Liar," Dean said immediately after. "Because I was up at 3 and you were watching a George Foreman infomercial."

"Hey, what can I say? It's riveting TV." You giggled at this and Dean looked at you.

"I'm glad you find this funny," He turned back to his brother. "When is the last time you got a good night's sleep?"

"I don't know, a little while, I guess. It's not a big deal." Sam waved him off. Of course, it was a big deal because Sam's health was really important as a Hunter and as a human being.

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