Skin- Part 3

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You groaned and opened your eyes to see you were tied up by the wrists that were behind your back. You cracked your neck and looked around, trying to get your eyes to adjust to the darkness. You tried getting out of the ropes and after a few minutes of struggling, you did. Thinking you were alone, you peeked around the corner but saw Dean tied to a chair and you talking to him. Shit, the shapeshifter must have gotten something from you in order to look like you. You kept hidden and watched as they talked.

"Where's Sam and Y/N?" You heard Dean ask.

"I wouldn't worry about them. I'd worry about you." You heard yourself speak. Were you always speaking that squeaky? You made a mental note to change that.

"Where are they?" He asked again.

"You don't really wanna know. I swear, the more I learn about you and your family... I thought I came from a bad background. Even her family, did you know she was perfectly fine up until she met you and your brother?" The shapeshifter smirked.

"What do you mean, learn?" Dean asked. You wanted to know too. You watched as the shapeshifter grabbed its head and grimaced. It stayed like that before chuckling.

"You think she cares about you? All she wants is to find the demon that killed her mom and once that happens, she's gone. She's just hitching a ride from you because she can't hunt on her own." Your mouth opened not from the shock of the lie the shapeshifter just told but the truth behind it. You were like that once but that was way back when. You were different now.

"Where are they?' Dean refused to believe fake you.

"The only reason she's helping you find your dad because John can get the job done. She looks up to you, tries to be just like you so she can leave once she's ready. I bet you didn't even know that she likes you. She likes a lot of people. But I mean, this life? Come on, you meet a lot of nice people. Like Becky. I bet if Y/N went down there, she can get Becky to do the unthinkable. Let's see what happens." Fake you put a sheet over Dean's head and left the sewers. You ran out when it was safe and ran to him, taking the blanket off.

"Dean, I'm so sorry." You looked at him.

"Shit, sweetheart, you need to ice that bruise." He chuckled, relieved to see the real you. Your cheek was becoming black and blue from how hard the shapeshifter hit you. You got him untied and you looked at him with worry.

"Are you okay?"

"Are you?" He asked back.

"Sam is still out but he's fine. He's back there." You sighed and rubbed your wrists where the shifter tied you up.

"Shit, you must be freezing." He shed his leather jacket and put it over your shoulders. That thing was long on John so it was long on Dean which meant it was a blanket on you. The shifter took your clothes so you were only wearing an undershirt and panties.

"Thanks." You put the jacket on. You and Dean went to get Sam but he stopped you.

"What about those things that the shifter said. Are they true?"

"Dean, I'd rather not talk about that right now. We have more pressing matters to deal with. Ask me again after this is all over." You sighed and left for Sam who was waking up.

"Sam, the shifter went to Becky's house. We need to help her." At the mention of Becky's name, Sam shot up and he nodded.

"Okay, let's go." You and Dean helped Sam up and made your way out of the building you were in. The shifter decided to put you in a building rather than the sewers but you didn't care.

"Come on. We gotta find a phone, call the police." Sam said.

"Aw man, you're going to put an APB out on me?" You sighed but knew it had to be done. Better you than Dean or Sam.

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