Wendigo- Part 1

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It broke your heart to see Sam this sad. It's been days since Jessica died and he was having nightmares about her and there was nothing you could do about it. All your life, when Dean wasn't, Sam was always there for you. You didn't know Jessica at all but you knew she meant a damn lot to him.

The only person you've ever loved besides your mom and John was Dean and you were thankful he wasn't dead. You couldn't even imagine what Sam was going through because there was a big difference between mothers and girlfriends.

Sam was losing sleep and you knew it so you made Dean keep the radio down so Sam could get some sleep in the car.

"You think he'll be okay?" You asked Dean as he drove. Once Jess died, he decided that he didn't want to go to the interview anymore. He was hell-bent on getting revenge. You didn't like seeing him this way but you understood a little.

"I hope," Dean replied. You sighed and watched as Sam shot awake as if he had a nightmare.

"You okay?" You asked him, hoping he would tell the truth.

"I'm fine." Sam breathed heavily. You watched with worried eyes as this unfolded.

"Another nightmare?" Dean gave him the side eye but turned his attention to the road. Sam refused to answer and looked out the window. You slid yourself closer to him, resting your head on the seat, looking at him.

"Sam?" You whispered. He turned his head and looked at you in the eye. You could see tears threatening to fall but he didn't say a word. "I'm right here. I'll be your shoulder to cry on." You smiled softly and moved some hair out of his face before placing a kiss on his cheek. He seemed to lean into your touch but that was short lived when Dean spoke.

"You want to drive?" Dean asked his brother.

"Hey!" You looked at Dean. "You never ask me that. Do you not trust me?" You playfully glared at him. Sam smiled and you were glad that you could put it there, even if it was temporary.

"Dean, your whole life you never asked me that once." Sam shook his head.

"Never mind, then, I thought you might want to and sweetheart, you're a terrible driver."

"I crashed this car one time and that was when I was 16. I'm 26 now and I'm fully capable to drive a car." You rolled your eyes playfully, sitting back into the seat.

"Whatever you say, sweetheart." You caught Dean's eyes through the rearview mirror and you bit back a smile.

"All right, where are we?" Sam grabbed the map that Dean wrote on.

"Just outside of Grand Junction," Dean answered. Sam shook his head and sighed.

"You know what? Maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon." You looked at Sam, scooting closer to him.

"Sam, we did all that we could possibly do there. The thing that killed Jessica, killed your mom and with that happening around the time your dad disappearing, that can't be a coincidence." You put a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, dad will have answers once we find him. Now we got a job to do." Dean said, driving along the long stretch of road.

"Yeah, about that, this seems off," Sam commented.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"This is Blackwater Ridge. It's in the middle of nowhere," Sam put the map down and sighed. "Why would he send us to the woods?" Dean didn't say anything as he drove. Dean drove to the Ranger Station where you were supposedly going to get some answers. Apparently, some attack happened last night in these woods and you were going to get to the bottom of it.

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