Bugs- Part 2

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As Dean was driving through neighborhoods, you saw a house that was decorated with red balloons with a sign that said 'Open House'.

"I know where we can start." You pointed out the sign you saw and then you saw another one that said 'Models Open. New Buyers' BBQ Today!'

"I'm kind of hungry for a little barbeque, how about you?" Dean asked.

"Hell yeah!" You grinned. You loved food. If it was edible, you were eating it.

"Dean," Sam said knowingly.

"What, we can't talk to the locals?" Dean scoffed.

"The free foods got nothing to do with it?" Sam asked.

"Of course not. I'm a professional." Dean pulled over and got out with you and Sam.

"Screw that, I'm starving." You grinned and walked with the boys to the open house.

"You're always starving," Sam said.

"Well, yeah." Everyone knew you loved food. You ate so much of it but none of it went anywhere. You thanked whoever graced you with a high metabolism.

"Growing up in a place like this would freak me out," Dean said as he walked.

"Why?" Sam looked confused.

"Come on, Sam, the well, manicured lawns, the "How was your day, honey?" I'd blow my brains out." You said for Dean.

"Yeah, that right there." Dean grinned.

"There's nothing wrong with normal." Sam shrugged.

"I'd take our family over normal over any day." Dean shrugged.

"Who likes being normal? It's not fun." You smiled and walked to the front door, knocking. An older gentleman answered the door and you smiled sweetly.

"Is this the barbeque?" Dean asked before you could say anything.

"Yeah, not the best weather, but, I'm Larry Pike, the developer here. And you are?" Larry said.

"Y/N, Sam, Dean." You smiled, pointing to each brother respectfully.

"Sam, Dean, Y/N, good to meet you. So, you three are interested in Oasis Plains?" Larry asked.

"This is my boyfriend and his brother came along to help us look." You grabbed Dean's hand and smiled up at Larry who nodded.

"Great! Well, come on in." Larry lead you and the brothers inside the house and outside to the backyard. You were lucky that the brothers didn't say anything to you about what you said. You watched as a lot of people laughed and ate with each other, talking as if they all knew one another.

"You said you were the developer?" Sam asked.

"Eighteen months ago, I was walking this valley with my survey team. There was nothing here but scrub brush and squirrels. And you know what? We built such a nice place to live that I actually bought into it myself. This is our house. We're the first family in Oasis Plains," Larry smiled and walked you over to a woman who smiled at him. "This is my wife, Joanie."

"Hi." Joanie smiled at you. You shook her hand and she shook Sam's and Dean's as well.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." You said.

"This is Y/N, Sam, and Dean." Larry introduced you to his wife.

"Tell them how much you love the place, honey. And lie if you have to because I need to sell some houses." Larry joked. You laughed, not because it was funny, but because you needed this guy to like you.

Supernatural Series Rewrite- Season 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz