Bloody Mary- Part 1

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Losing a loved a one was hard no matter if they were a parent or a girlfriend. You felt bad for Sam because he just lost his girlfriend and now his dad didn't even have his son on his voicemail. Granted, John thought Sam was away at college and knew he wouldn't be able to help but still.

There was a lot going on in Sam's brain, you were surprised he didn't lash out at you. Not that you would blame him for doing so but he needed to get these emotions out one way or another. Bottling it in won't help. He won't sleep and he won't eat much. It was like he refused to believe any of this was happening.

You just wish John was okay.

However, duty calls and you were wanted to solve another case. You were like Scooby Doo if they were hopped on steroids. You just hopped from one case to another which is why you were in the car with Sam passed out in the passenger's seat.

"I want to thank you," Dean said, turning to face you. You were parked in front of a morgue, ready to start on the case but you knew Sam needed sleep.

"For what?"

"Saving me, the whole plane. I know I wasn't easy on you." Dean chuckled.

"Dean, I've dealt with your ass for almost 20 years now. I think you're okay." You chuckled back.

"Still, that's probably the first demon I ever fought and it could have gone worse."

"It's okay. I knew how to fight a demon. I've done it before." You said quietly, hoping he wouldn't hear you but that man has the hearing of a vampire; it's that good.

"What?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, it was way back when. I decided to go alone because you and John were so busy. How was I supposed to know that demons were difficult to face alone?"

"Why didn't you ever tell me this?" Dean sounded a bit hurt.

"I wanted to but after this last hunt, I probably shouldn't. You heard what the demon said about Jessica. The same thing happened to me. It knew about my mom." You shrugged.

"You know they lie." Dean sighed.

"I know. But when I watched her die, the man vanished into thin air. Right in front of my eyes. I know it's a weird thing to think about but I can only imagine what Sam's going through." You looked at Sam with a sigh.

"Yeah." Dean nodded.

"Plus, you're lucky that the exorcism worked because I tried to do it before and I did it wrong, causing the demon to escape." You smiled.

"Yeah, well next time, when you want to go off on a hunt alone, tell me first." You nodded when you met Dean's eyes. You stayed like that, staring into each other's eyes and you couldn't help but wonder if this would turn into something more. Unfortunately, it wasn't. You heard a grunt come from Sam and you looked over to see him toss his head as if he was having a nightmare.

"Sam." You pushed back his hair and gave his shoulder a light push and tug when he shot out of his seat with a gasp. He looked at his surroundings and kind of gave a sigh of relief when he realized he was only in the Impala.

"I take it I was having another nightmare?" He looked at the concern written on his peer's faces.

"Yeah, another one," Dean said, an emotion was there but couldn't be detected.

"Hey, at least I got some sleep." Sam tried to look on the bright side of things.

"Sam, you're going to have to talk about this sooner or later." You sighed, looking at Dean.

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