Hook Man- Part 3

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"Dean, tell me why you thought it was a good idea to crash a college party?" You asked, walking inside the house. Two girls, who were dressed in as little clothing as possible, laughed as they walked by.

"That's why," He looked back, most likely to check out their asses but Sam made him focus on the task. "Man, you've been holding out on me. This college thing is awesome!"

"This wasn't really my experience." Sam shrugged. It wasn't really yours. You would have to be with the right people if you were going to go to a party.

"Let me guess. Libraries, studying, straight A's?" When Sam nodded, Dean chuckled. "What a geek. Alright, you do your homework?"

"Yeah. It was bugging me, right? So, how is the Hook Man tied up with Lori? So, I think I came up with something." Sam pulled out a piece of paper and showed it to you.

"1932. Clergyman arrested for murder. 1967. Seminarian held in hippie rampage." Dean read the title.

"There's a pattern here. In both cases, the suspect was a man of religion who openly preached against immorality. Then found himself wanted for killings he claimed were the work of an invisible force. Killings carried out with a sharp instrument." You looked at Sam and nodded.

"So, because it's a man of religion, who is preaching against immortality, it's connected to Lori because of her dad." You for the pieces together.

"You think he's summoning the spirit?" Dean asked.

"Maybe. Or, you know how a poltergeist can haunt a person instead of a place?" Sam pointed out.

"Yeah, the spirit latches onto the reverend's repressed emotions and feeds off them. Yeah, okay." Dean nodded.

"But I met the man and he didn't seem all that emotional." You bit your lip.

"Either way, you should keep an eye on Lori tonight." Dean looked at his brother and Sam nodded.

"What about you?" Sam asked his brother. You saw Dean look at a woman and you couldn't help but feel jealous. He wasn't yours by any means but it still hurt. You would never look like the skinny models he loved to hook up with and maybe that is why you were so upset.

"I'm going to see if I can find that unmarked grave." He said reluctantly.

"What about you?" Sam asked you.

"I'll go with Dean." You smiled and you and Dean left to his car with you, getting in. You slipped in the passenger seat and he was off. You were silent the whole ride there but when Dean got there, you spoke.

"What if it's not the reverend the spirit it's attached to?" You got out with him, carrying your shovel.

"What do you mean?" You walked with him, looking at the graves, trying to find the right one to dig up.

"I mean, I met Lori too and she seemed more stressed than her father." You walked a bit more, Dean shining his flashlight around until he stopped at a grave with the same symbol on it as the one found in Lori's room at the dorms.

"I don't know but after this, he won't be bothering anyone else." He dropped the flashlight and began digging, with you helping him out.


It's been a while and you were tired from the digging. Maybe it was because you were smaller than Dean and tired out easier than he did. You always wanted to work out more but never got around to it. Maybe hunting was your work out. Meanwhile, Dean was in the grave, digging until he hit something hard.

Supernatural Series Rewrite- Season 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora