Holy shit mom smacked the fuck out of her.

I was pretty shocked not going to lie. My mom has never been one to hit someone. She must be pretty pissed.

No fucking shit Grayson that bitch killed Ethan and possibly you.

"I better not ever seen you come into his room again and if you do I'll make sure security escorts you out."

I heard my mom tell the girl. If I could smirk in her face right now I would. My moms a badass.

"I don't understand why Grayson would want to marry someone who killed his own brother and almost killed him as well! He made a mistake when he started dating you! All you have done was cause trouble to our family. I want you gone NOW!"

What. The. Fuck. I'm dating this girl? I was going to marry her?! What the fuck is going on! I can't wrap my brain around everything. Why would I date someone that ruined my family? What made her so fucking special?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a small yelp in the distance. They both must have left my room. I heard distant yelling from my mom and the other girl.

Soon the yelling stopped and it became quiet. I heard the door to my room open and close gently. Small footsteps made their way to me once again.

Small arms draped around my torso as I felt the persons body shake.

"Grayson I need you to come back to me, I can't do this much longer."

It was her.

The killer. The girl who destroyed my family. Killed my brother. Almost killed me.

I felt her body shake and her tears started to drench my gown.

I really need to wake up. I wasn't comfortable with her laying on me.

I tried to open my eyes again and felt this weird amount of energy arise from me. My body shifted a little but ceased once again. I felt my eyelids twitch as I tried to open them. A small amount of light began to show through my eyelids giving me and instant headache.

I felt the girl move from her seat and run out of the room. She immediately came back into the room and grasped my hand tightly.

"Gray can you squeeze my hand?"

I heard her ask with Hope in her voice.

Uhm I would if I could asshole.

I heard her sigh and let go of my hand. I tried moving my legs again and felt my leg twitch a bit.

I felt a pair of warm velvet hand grab my face stroking it smoothly.

"Gray baby it's Emari can you open your eyes please?"

Emari. The girl has a name. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't beautiful. But she killed Ethan. I can't trust her.

I began to open my eyes slowly as the light burned holes into my eyes. My thoughts were quickly interrupted as I felt a pair of soft lips on mine. I became confused but also intrigued with the way her lips felt on mine. As if they belonged together. She tasted like strawberries and lemon. Then I instantly remembered what she did to my family.

Bygone-G.DWhere stories live. Discover now