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I am officially done with this book. Poison is finished. I edited it so that it has the least amount of mistakes it can have and also so It can be enjoyed. .

The story is a bit different for anyone who wants to read it again. I will edit Recruit next and only after that will I publish the third Spiderlust installment.

If you just finished this book please check out the sequel ( Recruit.)

I'm to cancel the IW series so I can focus on Spiderlust and school.

Hope people enjoy reading these books as much as I do imagining them in my mind

Thanks to the 1285 read on this story. I'm glad this story isn't only being read by horny gay teenagers too... Lol even though that is the crowd I aim to please.

Out of my readers 44℅ are male.30℅ are female and 26℅ are other.

49℅ are between age 18-25. 32% are between ages 13-18 ( this story is R rated btw🙏🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙊🙊🙊)

And most my readers are from the US(67,118℅)

Demographics on 19/06/2018

So yeah. Officially done with this book. Enjoy.

Poison{BoyxBoy}{MCU}{Spiderlust bk.1}Where stories live. Discover now