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Harry's POV

Greed , lust and power is all I can think about while swinging through Queens. I feel the tingling sensation of my cock hardening in this tight black suit and I know it's because I'm thinking of him. Today I will make him mine.

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Peter's POV

I can't believe it's gone. Who would take it. At first I suspect Mr.Stark took his suit back but then I switch on the news and it says he's missing.

This ,no doubt, has to do with Norman Osborn and his team of criminal vigilante's , maybe they took my suit. No that doesn't make sense, they would have killed me no just knocked me out.

I decide to head to Stark industries but on my way out I bump into Robin.

"Hey,"he says looking at me shyly.

"Hi." I say as he pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you." He mutters and kisses me on the cheek. The blood rushes to my face and I feel my cheeks burn up."Now you're blushing. Sorry, I shouldn't of."

"It's okay .but for what?"

"For being you." I suddenly remember yesterday and how furious I was when I entered the restroom to find Harry missing. Like he just vanished into thin air.

I quickly realise that Rob's heading to his internship at Stark industries.

"So I'm heading to-"

"Yeah me too," I interrupt him.

"Yeah I remember you said you intern there too. Funny, I never see you there."

"That is funny," I say as we start walking down the hall.

Everything goes downhill when we exit the apartment building. A black web grabs hold of Rob and pulls him into the air. He now screams ,swinging by a streetlight.

"Well if it isn't Parker?" A black figure states as it lands in front of me."I said you're next."

It's the symbiot but different . it has my suit on and is now controlling someone else."Let the person you're controlling go and fight me alone."

Suddenly the mask melts off an Harry's face is revealed.
"No-one's controlling me, me and venom have a similar objective. He wants to kill spidy and I want to kill you. I only learnt today that you're him."

He lifted me by the neck and I couldn't do anything to help myself without revealing myself. If I would to do anything, I would give myself away but that didn't stop Rob.

Suddenly I hear a scream from the streetlight and a massive gust of wind emerges from Rob and blows the black spiderman to the other side of the street. Rob then falls from the streetlight and I catch him and just hold him bridal style as he falls asleep in my arms. The black spiderman then coughs and blood emerges from his mouth and splatters on the street. It doesn't look good. He then gives me a look that says I'll be back and swings away.

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