28🔸The Black Octo-Goblin

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Robin's POV

I watched as the hulk rammed the lizard out of the door and picked it up with one hand and threw it against the wall. It flew through the wall and through another and it was out of the building.

Hulk ran after it and jumped out of the building along with it . He continued to punch the lizard until it was certain that the lizard would not walk again, or even breathe again.

The hulk then reentered through the same hole it left in the building. "Okay calm down big guy  we need a plan."

"This is Hulk calm." hulk responded

"Oh my god you can speak." I ask

"Now can you free us?" Black widow asks.

"Now that  you mention it I guess we don't need a plan.  I mean we have all the Avengers here and there's only one of him. What could he possibly  have that will give him the upper hand," I say."Peter, wake up. I nudge him.
He wakes up.

"Where are we?" Is the first  question he asks. Then his watch beeps like crazy, indicating  that the iron-spider is near. It then flies through  the same hole that Hulk made and covers Peter's body in a protective Iron suit.

"Okay get us out son," Cap says to Peter and Peter uses a Lazer beam to melt their cells.

"I could of smashed puny cells ," Hulk adds.

"Well that would of made a noise bud and goblin would know we got free," Hawkeye says.

"Noise huh?," i ask looking at the hole Hulk made," I think he knows."

******* ****** **********
Goblin's POV

What's  all that noise. If they some how bested the lizard that means the Avengers would be out in no time, I  have to do something.

I walk over to a passed  out octavius and rip his machine from his back. I grab the drill and saw. I cut into my neck and link the neural link of the tentacles to my neurons. Then i drill the machine into my back. I can use his tentacles now but I need more to take on the Avengers.

I walk over to my sons Dead body and extract the symbiot from him. With these three elements I'll  be unstoppable.  I don't  know why  I  didn't  think of it until now.

I allow the symbiot to take over my body and I  immediately feel different.  I feel powerful. I feel like they can come and face me now.

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