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Pic on top is Doc oc

Robin's POV

"Michelle have you seen the news." I asked in the cafeteria noticing she wasn't paying attention. "MJ!" I shout and she jerks in her seat.

"What I'm awake ." she says lifting her head.

"Did you sleep last night." I laugh.

"Yeah I'm just a little tired since I only slept 3am this morning because I was getting up to speed with all the news. Did you hear about Tony Stark." She asks.

"Yes. Apparently he's in a coma. I guess his iron suit kind of protected him from the crash of Avenger's orbital."

"What're you doing later?"she asks.

"I don't know." I say honestly.

Suddenly Harry walks into the cafeteria kisses me on the cheek and sits next to me . then he greets MJ, that's a big improvement for him. Ofcourse he's not trusting anyone besides me yet but at least he's greeting my friends

"Afternoon hot stuff." I say before I peck him on the lips.

******* ****** ********
Doc Oc's POV

I continue my experiment with my boss watching me this time of course.

"Oops." I say noticing a error I had made, A big one.

"What's wrong fool." Mr. Osborn asks in a harsh tone. If he wasn't paying me so much money he would have been killed. Death by robotic tentacle.

"I just realised there's no way I can replicate venom."

"You're really calling it that."

"Yes . see  cell division doesn't occur in the symbiot so we can't replicate it. We'd need another spider but that's impossible"

"Fuck!!," he shouts." Can I continue my plan with just one?"

"Ofcourse but I'll need to help you go through with it and that's going to cost."

"I'm a billionaire." He proudly states.

"Okay. I can modify it so that venom can bond with inorganic material too. Then we need Spiderman's suit"

"For?" He questions.

"Don't you get it if the person you choose  wears the modified venom and Spiderman's suit,that tony stark made with all the tricks. We'll be unstoppable."

Suddenly Osborn gets dizzy and nearly falls over but my tentacle catches him.

He needs to take the medicine I gave him or he'll turn into that monster sooner than we need him to and the whole plan will go to shit.

******* ******** ********
Peter's POV

I'm swinging through the streets of Queens chasing down a few bank robbers.

On the ground I see a few people with cameras so I purposefully do a few flips in the air and gain a few awes . I land on the roof of the bank robbers car. Suddenly bullets fly through the roof but I try my best to dodge them. Its a good thing I have spidy-sense. I'm able to dodge all but one that flies through my foot. This makes me mad so I rip his roof off and throw him in the air I then caught him in the air with web which connected his foot to a streetlight.

*********  *******  *******

Robin's POV

The bell rang and Everyone picked up their books and left. I was struggling with the pronunciation of one word so I went up to the teacher Mr.Rodriguez.

"Excuse me sir can-"I stopped mid sentence as I slipped on a wet spot on the floor and fell to the ground.

Poison{BoyxBoy}{MCU}{Spiderlust bk.1}Where stories live. Discover now