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Robin's POV

This is my first time in business class and it's kind of nice.

I can't believe I'm going back after three years. I'll like to see how everyone has grown in the time I was gone.I bet MJ still has her don't care attitude.

The fact that I'm going coming home is fucking awesome. Everything interesting happened after I left ,I saw my old town in the news and it was mostly because of the spiderman.

Aah spiderman ,I've never seen him in person but that suit of his perfectly outlines his ripped muscles . The things I would do for a man built like that.

I look out of my window and watch the clouds as they pass and that's when it happens.

A huge chunk of something flies through the wing on the left of the plane where I am sitting.

Everything behind me is a blur as I continue to stare out of the window. What's happening in front of me is much more interesting then the people screaming panic behind me.

Before we could of even be close to danger a hero had been there. There outside my window ,tending to the broken wing as fast as he could was Iron Man, Tony Stark.

I shouted for everyone to look out the left windows and people gathered and all of a sudden Iron Man had a crowd, cheering him on.

He finished just in time for our plane to land . My mom was overjoyed, she's a major avengers fan .though most people hate them nowadays.

my mom is basically an avengers spokesperson. A year ago the avengers were being forced to sign something called the Zokovia accords that made the avengers officially run by the worlds governments, when my mom heard about it she lead a rally to support them and let them continue running themselves.

She was on TV saying things like she would have honoured to die in the battle of new York or at Zokovia , she said it would give her death meaning ,that she would have died saving the world from an invasion and or extinction level event. She is really serious about people's visions of the avengers not being blurred.

We got in a cab and was on our way home but even with the distance I could still see Iron Man flying away as we pulled out of the airport. I wonder what will happen next?

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