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Robin's POV

"You. Stay down here, We'll  take care of it." Cap tells me, a week ago I'd be excited Captain America was talking to me. But with everything that happened to me, I find it hard to be excited for anything. 

The only emotion I can feel now is rage and guilt. Im to tired to fight so my rage is useless and my guilt is only amplified when I'm  around Peter.

"I'll  stay with him and keep him safe," Peter says as he walks over to me.

"No Peter you should  fight.  They need all the help they can get," I object.  I can't  be alone with him right now.

"He's  right," Says Black Widow," We need help against that monster and-" before she could finish her sentence her head was blown into pieces by some type of projectile.

Her body fell to the floor. We all looked behind us to see the brand new monster emerge.

"Patriot, Hawkeye and Wanda, you guys  take Tony  and Robin away and keep  them safe. Me Peter and Hulk will  handle this guy." They did as Cap said.

********* ******** *********

Peter's POV

Hulk doesn't  waste  any time as he delivers punches to the venom, goblin , octo oh I'll  just call him Osborn.

He deflects all of Hulks punches as if they are nothing and he gives  only one punch back and Hulk flies backwards.

"What is this ?," Cap asks.

"Can't  you see Rogers," Osborn answers.  "This is the day you die."

He runs towards us and slams on the ground. The floor shatters and we all fall the the floor beneath us.

I shoot  web cannons but he walks right through them. I'm  sick and tired of him always having  the upper hand , no matter what we do. He killed Robin's mother and Aunt May and Ned And MJ and I  was tired of him always wining.

I shoot a web that he catches in his hand. I then run towards him  and he takes it as a challange and runs towards me. I slip in between his legs while still holding on to that web that's attached to his  hand . The force  I put on that slide forces his hand between his legs and flips his body over mid air .

This gives cap a chance to cut his tentacles loose with his shield and Hulk rips them off .

"Those tentacles are easy to rip off but  what about the symbiot, "Hulk asks and then suddenly  we hear a scream out of nowhere.

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