19🔸Sniper and Shade

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Warning: lengthy chapter but worth it. It is a filler but you have to read it...

Damian's POV

So this was it. What my life came to, if you ask me it's amazing that I will be one of the new leaders of America in just a matter of days.  My whole life has prepared me to lead.

I joint the army when I was 18 and I was poached from there by a secret government organisation that specialized in the training of soldiers . atleast I thought it was government until I realises what it actually was, a hitman training program.

Since then I've been a hitman all my life but today I achieve the finest moment my life, I captured Iron Man.

He's one of the last things we need to go ahead with our plan. On my way out I carry him in a black bag, kind of obvious. I'm attacked by two security guards whom I easily overpower and shoot them both in the head perfectly. They don't call me sniper for nothing...
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Eric's POV

I jump from wall to wall trying to keep up with spidy swinging. He hasn't noticed me yet so I  keep following him like a shadow.

You're probably wondering how I wasn't caught yet. Well I was an agent of Shield and also hydra at the same time. Yes I'm one of the traitors and partially at fault for the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D

I follow him until he gets to an apartment building and into his apartment window I fly in behind him. Silent but deadly. Unlike sniper I don't hide behind a weapon , I'm a highly skilled fighter. After all I an the one Norman sent for Natasha Romanoff.

I put him in a chokehold from behind and give him a sleeper until he completely Blacks out and I strip him of his suit to realise he's just a kid and leave as fast as I can.

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Doc oC's  POV

"Good work Damian. Excellent work Eric." These losers did good . I guess I'm ready to admit that they are a crucial part of our team.

Although the anti-avengers is a crap name. We can work on it later. Then out of nowhere the massive green goblin appeared on his glider with his suit(armour like but techy) on .

"It's finally time" he points out. "Tomorrow we start."

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Harry's POV (later that day)

I made my way to the factory my father owned, which he told no-one about. If he was hiding anywhere, it would be here. I sneak in through the back and walk in on a conversation between some sort of hulk , that tentacle man , a guy with a big gun and a guy half asleep on a chair.

For some reason Tony Stark is passed out cold on the floor. I sneak out before they notice me and walk into some kind of lab .

It looks as if they were monitoring surveillance footage. Then my eyes widen as I see a cool replica if Spiderman's suit on the table and I of course try it on. I immediately recognise it's no replica when the voice inside the suit talks to me.

I back up into weird cabinet and the test tubes all fall broken, including one that had a black oozy substance in it. As soon as it broke the ooze covered my body and a chill ran through my spine when it spoke to me in a whispered creepy voice.

Suddenly I felt this amazing feeling flood through my body and I could only describe it as powerful.

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