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Robin's POV

It's been two weeks since me and Harry started dating. He was walking me up to my apartment.

We had just come from a date and he was not going to just drop me off in front of my building so he walked me up to my apartment. I was starting to like Harry as I got to know him. Okay, maybe it was a bit more than like. We stopped in front of my door.

"You know my mom's not here. She has an interview for a job." I say as if I'm suggesting something

"I thought she owns this building." He questions

"She does but she just used all our savings to buy it and the tenants had an agreement with their previous landlord that they only have to pay every three months and they paid just before we bought it."

"Tough."He exclaims

"Really tough." I add

"But I'm sure she can roll with it more the next few months."

"Yeah I think I might get a job too."

"Is it that tough." He questions

"No I just want a job. MJ has chess after school and then she also has debate society ,band and me and flash don't speak anymore so I'm mostly alone. I could talk to Peter but he's never around for some reason. He's changed. It's like he's got another life. If I get a job I'll be getting paid to basically interact with people."

"And clean floors." Harry chuckles.

"Wanna come in?"I ask opening the door.

He doesn't answer ,he just lifts me up by my knees and puts my legs around his waist. I hold him by the back of his head and begin to kiss him. More lust than passion. He carries me over and drops me on the couch before putting his tongue back in my mouth.

We're interrupted by a knock on the door.

We both look up to the door we forgot to close and see Peter standing there awkwardly.

"Hi Pete. I totally I forgot I said you should come over to help me study." I kind of apologise

"Yeah," He answers." I can come over later, I mean , I live right next door."

"Yeah do that." Harry exclaims coming in for another kiss.

"No," I say slightly pushing Harry off of me." Harry was just about to leave."

"I was?," Harry asks.

"Yes you were." I say before giving him a slight peck on the cheek.

"Okay but... Too be continued," he says seductively before he gives me a peck on the lips.

Me and Harry still haven't had sex but we were behaving like we've been having sex everyday since he first took me out.

"Bye Harry." Peter says as Harry left but Harry just walked pass him. Now that's something I still have to work on. Harry always thinks someone wants something from him.

"So tell me the topics you don't understand and I'll go over them with you." Pete says.

"DNA replication and Differentiating between DNA and RNA."

"Well the differentiation is easy so I'll help you with that later but I guess we could get on that first one immediately. The replication."

"Something wrong?" I ask. He seemed uneasy.

"It's nothing."

"No it's something." I say grabbing his hand."you can tell me anything."

****** ********* ******
Peter's POV

He grabs my hand and this sends a shock through my body. What do I tell him? That I liked him since we were kids and ever since he came out and started dating Harry Osborn I've realised I'm actually in love with him.

I can't believe I just admitted that even if it was only in thought . it was true, I loved everything about him. His hazel eyes, the way his mouth opened completely when he smiled(advertising his beautiful teeth), the way he nudged my shoulder whenever their was an awkward silence. The electricity I felt looking at him and the way his lips tasted when we kissed.

"I'm in love," I admitted.

"Who is she , I want details. Studying can wait." He closes the book I just opened

"Well I don't feel comfortable telling you who it is but. I know her since kindergarten and I've been in love with her ever since we were kids, something happened when we were kids that awakened feelings." I hope he doesn't notice I'm talking about him.

"Me too."wha-. Did he just say he loved me."not that kindergarten stuff but the being in love."

"Harry?" I ask.

"Uhm, actually I don't know if I love Harry, I might."

"Wait then who are you in love with."

"Don't laugh."

"Arrgg. Is it flash."

"No . hell no !it's Spiderman."

My mouth hung open as I entered heaven and hell at the same time. In my one ear a voice said. This is amazing because I'm spiderman. A voice in my other ear says I can't reveal my secret identity and even if I did maybe he'll fall out of love me once he knows I am me,huh, this is so confusing once he knows spiderman is actually his geeky neighbor.

"Wait a minute, since kindergarten. It couldn't be , could it? Peter are you in love with-" Oh shit he figured it out. He knows I -"Michelle."That was close

Sorry for long chapter but it's a filler

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