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Doc oC's POV

"Put him onto the table." Damian shouts as Eric carries Norman over to the table.

"Where's his meds?" Eric asks.

"We won't need that anymore." I point out.

"So it's time?" Eric asks.

"Out plan is ready yes. So we need you to get the last thing we need and we need Norman to get Conners."

"When last have you heard of him?"Damian asks me.

"Conners? Not in a while but I figure he's roaming Oscorp tower probably scared out of his mind without his master." I say looking over to Norman as his face turned green and his body grew. He swelled up and his muscles ripped through his shirt as he emerged as the green goblin with a smirk on his face.

"Hahahaha." He laughed." I've never felt so good in my life." He states as I gesture to Damian and Eric to leave the room.

"So all we need is spidy's suit, The metal man and Conners?"he asked.

"Then we're ready to take over the entire country and run it our way." I reply.

"Good. Get the modifications to my suit it's time everyone meets their new president." He says standing up and I admire his height( not his cock, his actual height) he's bigger than hulk.

"I'll get your new suit and Glider . "

"Ooh a Glider. The good news just keeps rolling in."

"Well not really. "

"What do you mean?"

"You know that kid I was telling you about . I still haven't found a cure. "

"Not my problem. Yours."

****** ******** ********
Robin's POV

I walked into school this morning with a weird feeling. Then I see that everyone I'm the hallway were gathered around one particular class. Mrs Hedges , the Biology teacher screamed for someone to call the police.

I ran over to see what was happening. I struggled to look over everyone's heads. I heard people talking all shocked at some gruesome scene in front of them but I couldn't see a thing. 

Then I squeezed my way through the crowd until u got in front. My mouth gaped as right there in front of me lied Mr.Rodriguez , floating in a pool of blood. A huge hole in his neck and his corpse just laying there.

Then I turned to the wall next to him and saw something even worse. On the wall , written in blood read, Parker's next. This message was obviously meant for me from Harry. What the fuck did I get myself into.

Poison{BoyxBoy}{MCU}{Spiderlust bk.1}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt