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Robin's POV

It's my first day of school today and like every other day I wake up late,great way to start the day after the greatest day of my life.

I literally don't even have time to brush my teeth so I just grab toothbrush and toothpaste and just slip it into my pocket . I give my mother a kiss on the cheek and ran out the door . I'm late for the bus to so I guess I'm running.

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Peter's POV

"So? Thought you said Rob's back," Ned states as we walk in class.

"He is. He didn't meet me at the bus station this morning so I guessed he'll be skipping school today."It was easy to believe this since Rob might still me adjusting to being back.

"So are you going to tell him that you're gay for him." Ned laughs.

"No!!. Shh. I'm not gay I'm into girls."

"And Rob."

"Yes but gay people like men . I only like Rob and no I won't tell him it'll be to weird after yesterday."

"Yeah, How was your Sunday."

"Well we woke up in the same bed."

"Woah Peter I didn't know you where that fast. But I guess now I know what you mean by weird."

"That wasn't the weird part. We've always had sleepovers"

"Then what was."

"I kissed him."

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Robin's POV

"Best day if my life." I tell MJ.

"What happened to you yesterday that you're so happy?" MJ asks.

"Let me take you through it piece by piece."I started.
"It was a average day at first I went back to my apartment,coming from Peter's because I slept over. Then on my way to your House the taxi I was in was bumped over by another car but before you get worried hear this ... I was scared for my life as the impact left my taxi rolling down the street but then my taxi was caught and lifted in the air . Spiderman put our taxi down and swung away chasing the car that hit us. He webbed the car to the road and swung back over to us, ripped the damaged door open and pulled me out. He then wiped the blood from my face. He looked worried  and like he cared about me, like he knew me but I guess he's just a truly committed Avenger. He then grabbed me and suddenly I was off the ground , laying against his rock hard muscles felt somewhat familiar. All I wanted was for him to fuck me. He dropped me off at a hospital and asked if I was alright. I said yes and thanked him. And then he gave me the chance to properly thank him. He pulled his mask up above his nose and pressed his lips onto mine and my my blood rushed to my cheeks. He quickly pulled away before I could close my eyes and kiss him back and then he flew away."

"I didn't know spiderman is gay . wait you liked the kiss? Is there something I'm missing. Aah. Did you find out?" MJ asks.

"That I'm gay . I knew you knew before me. Back in Nigeria I met this guy and we dated a few months before it got serious and let me just ask, have you seen a Nigerian cock? It's huge."

"And you sat on that."

"Gosh no. I just put it in my mouth."

"Does your mom know."

"About the Nigerian no because he was way to old for me. I think he was like 29 but she knows I'm gay."

"Spiderman ha. So how's the new Queens in your Point of view."

"I love it."

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