2🔸Hello Queens

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Robin's POV

It was 11:30 when we finally arrived at our home in the apartment building which my mother now owned and I sat my bag down immediately in the living room and turned to my mother.

"Can I go?"I ask

"Robin. MJ can wait till tomorrow to see you."

"I know but I can't wait until tomorrow to see her and tell her."

"How do you think they'll take it."

"I'm gay mom and MJ loves me .she'll accept it and with her intuition I'm pretty sure she already knows."

"It's late Rob."

"I'll sleep over at her place."

Mom gave me that look that said,'Really??.'

So I gave her those eyes that said,'Please."

And she gave off a sigh that said,'alright.'

I grabbed my coat and ran outside just to be run over by my next door neighbor,Peter.

"Sorry just in a hurry to get home," He says as he looks down to me and his eyes widen.

"Geez Pete you been working out . You feel like a bag of rocks. How's it going?" I ask.

"Robin, what're you doing here," He said sounding nervous.

"I live her Penis."


"Oh don't you remember when me and flash called you Penis Parker."

"Yeah he still does.. But you moved back ? "

"Yeah and with big news."

"Well we should catch up or something. Walk you to school tomorrow, like old times. where you off to?"


"What?. It's dangerous out there at night Queens has changed since you've left."

"How much? How much has it changed."

"You'll find out soon."

"Maybe you could tell me. I missed you Pete."

" I missed you too . You want to come inside. We could talk about it while we play street fighter. Remember those days. When I always kicked your ass."

"Yeah I'd loved too. "

I admired his invitation . he was obviously nervous. We haven't seen each other in a long time. We're different people now. I wonder how he'll react when he finds out I'm gay.

He didn't have to invite me into his apartment . I usually invited myself in but his aunt and uncle didn't mind because I've known Pete since kindergarten and they loved me.

"Bobbins? ," aunt May questioned my existence in her living room doorframe with the cute nickname she gave me when I was five.

"Yep."I smile.

She runs over to me and squeezes me to her chest.

"I heard you were coming back I just didn't know when."

"Sorry aunt May I have to get Rob up to date with all the notes," Peter lies as he grabs my hand and his grip is firm. Peter has definitely put on some muscle since I've been gone.

As soon as we get inside Peter gets the console ready as if he's nervous to play with me.

...1 hour later.....

"Shit it's almost 1am. Guess you gotta get home."

"Actually my mom thinks I'm sleeping at MJ's , mind if I sleep here instead."

"You live next door."

"I'm comfortable and my room is full of boxes."

"Sure then."

I get into bed while Peter goes to take a shower.

I remember our sleepovers from way back and Pete always laid on the floor while I lay on the bed but this time when he got back I recommended he lay next to me and he agreed.

If he new I was gay he probably wouldn't have but Peter wasn't my type so it was just because I wanted him to be comfortable like me and I was very comfortable.

I woke up in the middle of the night . Peters arm wrapped around me and I slowly tried to push it off feeling his muscle and damn his biceps were big. His arm flung back over me and I let it be because it kind of felt good.

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